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Tamaqua prepares for cemetery walking tours

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    Those who helped with the initial cleanup include, front, from left, Tyler Arnold, Nicole Inama and Sarah Bolles; and back, Justin Bailey, Jayne Bass and Nicole Parks. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

Published May 04. 2018 12:49PM

A new Facebook page, Tamaqua Volunteerism, gave a huge boost to members of the Tamaqua Independent Order of Odd Fellows when it came time to spruce up Odd Fellows Cemetery.

After posting a request for help the weekend of April 28 and 29, the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs were pleasantly surprised when several volunteers appeared to help clean the cemetery, just in time for scheduled walking tours as part of the Tamaqua Remembers project. The tours will be held on May 9, weather permitting, beginning at 5:30 p.m. The rain date will be May 10.

Volunteers will be needed at the cemetery again this weekend, between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. The group will meet at the Lodge hall, (tan and orange building in the cemetery) at 9 a.m.

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