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Tamaqua School Board

Published February 22. 2018 02:12PM

Tamaqua Area School Board, on an 8-0 vote, with Director Mark Rother absent, on Tuesday approved:

• The resignation of Cheryl Donovan, full-time paraprofessional, effective Feb. 9.

• Rebecca Kunkel and Sam Fox, substitute custodians.

• Michelle Argust, English as a Second Language Program Specialist, Feb. 20, half-day, Feb. 21-23, days without pay.

• Ann Lagowy, high school teacher, March 1-2, days without pay.

• Philip Traube, high school teacher, unpaid leave of absence, to return at a date agreed upon with the superintendent.

• Millini Skuba, high school teacher, to begin an intermittent family and medical leave to begin Feb. 12, and return on or about March 5.

• Linda Travis, elementary teacher, to begin a maternity leave on or about April 9, utilizing all unused sick and personal days and transition into a family and medical leave, returning to work Aug. 20.

• Abigail Sweeney, elementary teacher, to begin a maternity leave on or about April 20, utilizing all unused sick and personal days and transition into a family and medical leave, returning to work Aug. 20 for in-service, continuing with the family and medical leave after using unused sick and personal days for the 2018-19 school year, and return on or about March 5.

• Rescind the motion of Jan. 16 approving Diane Kosciolek as a substitute paraprofessional, as well as substitute clerical.

• Lauren Barr, professional employee, professional status as of Feb. 21.

• The three-year audit proposal with Klacik and Associates as follows: 2017-18, $16,500; 2018-19, $16,700; and 2019-20, $16,900.

• The 2018 annual letter of agreement with the ReDCo Group.

• The first readings of policies related to curriculum development, curriculum review by parents and students, exemption from instruction, adoption of textbooks, and instructional supplies.

• The Ski Club trip to Killington, Vermont, early dismissal March 9, and return March 11.

— Terry Ahner

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