Tamaqua winter ticket sales
The Tamaqua Area School District Athletic Department is offering season ticket packages for the 2017-18 winter athletic seasons.
The following packages are being offered for winter sports:
Varsity/JV boys basketball season tickets (10 home games): Adults - $40; Students - $15.
9th grade boys basketball season tickets (11 home games): Adults - $28; Students - $7.
7th-8th grade boys basketball season tickets (eight home games): Adults - $20; Students - $5.
Varisty/JV girls basketball season tickets (11 home games): Adults - $45; Students - $15.
Varsity/JH wrestling season tickets (seven home games): Adults - $30; Students - $10.
Swimming season tickets (eight home matches): Adults - $33; Students - $12.
Individual All Sports Passes for 2017-18 school year (allows entrance to all remaining home events for both winter and spring): Adults - $75; Students - $25.
Tickets may be purchased in the high school office between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and also at Meet the Raiders Night on Nov. 30.
Ticket prices at the gate for all varsity events is $5 for adults and $2 for students. Ticket prices for 7-8-9 grade events at the gate are $3 for adults and $1 for students.