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Teacher union president praises school board

Published October 25. 2017 11:51AM

The president of Lehighton Area School District’s teacher union gave a rousing endorsement of the district’s school board Monday night that ended with a lengthy standing ovation from nearly all residents, teachers and board members in attendance.

Daniel Williams, of the Lehighton Area Education Association, took to the microphone during the public comment portion of the meeting to state his approval of the direction of the district.

“I want to thank the district’s board and administration for its professionalism and dedication to education in this community,” Williams said. “The board is faced with many tough decisions and has shown the leadership to act. You have made an investment in education and our students, and that investment will return unmatched dividends to our community.”

Having grown up and attended school in Lehighton, Williams said he couldn’t be more proud of what the district is able to provide its students.

Recently, he said, several staff members have approached him about information circulating in the community.

“We have some staff members who are concerned,” he said. “There are a few people who are trying to use divisiveness, dishonesty and negativity for their own personal gain. That perception of our district couldn’t be further from reality.”

In recent years, Lehighton’s board has voted to build a $6 million multipurpose athletic stadium, renovate its middle and high schools for $26 million and construct a $33 million elementary center.

Beyond the building initiatives, Williams said, there have been many educational initiatives unveiled throughout the district.

For example, Lehighton is in its first year offering a Science Technology Engineering Art and Mathematics lab in its high school for freshman students.

“All of us work together as a team in our schools to ensure students are flourishing and our students are growing,” Williams said. “If the community wants to know what is really happening in our schools, just ask a teacher, nurse or guidance counselor. We’ll be proud to tell you the great things happening on a daily basis.”

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