Thank you to Penn Forest residents
Dear editor,
I want to salute the residents of Penn Forest Township for holding their elected officials’ feet to the fire. The politicians don’t seem to understand that their job is to put the will of those who elected them first, not the will of a “tenant” of the Bethlehem Water Authority. Stop with the fairness nonsense!
The residents/taxpayers and most of the rest of the county residents don’t want to look at the wind turbines. It’s call eye pollution. Who cares if they pass the sound standards?
The time is well overdue for the Bethlehem Water Authority to be called on the carpet. Proposed changes in the use of their land should require a serious change in their tax status. The freebies are over. There are court case precedents for these kinds of proposed changes.
Finally, the residents of Penn Forest Township need to get the word out to the rest of the county, through the Times News, as to where we can donate to the “resistance.” Again, thank you to the residents of Penn Forest Township.
John Ferguson
Towamensing Township
I'm all for clean energy, but these things are an eyesore, they disturb wildlife, including killing migrating birds. Not much use for an ozone layer is there is no ecosystem to protect!
But as long as it's not in your backyard, right?
Second watching them is like watching a water fall ... soothing.
Third they are built on a mountain AWAY from peoples homes.
Fourth they could install one in my back yard if I got free power from it !
Fifth they disturb no more wild life than the Turnpike does ,which kills more than they would.