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Think ahead

Published August 17. 2019 06:44AM

Anyone out there, good enough to stop in advance of socialism in America, keep our health care from becoming a single-payer fiasco run by and governed by the D.C. swamp?

They want to take away all of your rights to the health care you now have when you need it. There will be monthslong waiting lists during which people’s ailments will become worse and worse and death will occur before your wait time brings you any health care at all.

Through socialism, our wall and protected border will be destroyed, welcoming more caravans of people posing as families, along with criminals of the worst category. Nations used to be able to protect themselves and their citizens from the enemy with a wall! Weren’t we once told that we will be destroyed from within?

Then there is the problem of interest rates! Hardworking, honest taxpayers trying to save deserve a decent interest rate, hopefully 5% or more on their small savings and investments. Why are we barely earning 1%?

Think ahead! We the people are being edged out by the opposition and sanctuary cities and states looking to not only the “obamanable” (intentionally misspelled) transformation of America but the total annihilation of the United States of America we knew! Yes, that is past tense!

Think ahead — is there anyone out there good enough to follow in the footsteps of Donald J. Trump? Really? Either Republican or Democrat or other?

Ruthann Schlecht,


Thank You for this letter Ruthann.
Our choice will always be to choose the least evil of the candidates running... well that is unless Jesus runs (Wink).
What I see happening is the confused voters calling what was once evil, good, and what was once good, bad. Never thought the country would ever consider a communist... sorry, socialist candidate to ever be considered.
Uh oh! Trouble in paradise!!! Ruthann wants politicians to raise her savings account interest rate but trump is running around screaming that he wants rates lowered. Ruthann, how ever will you reconcile this?!?!?
Socialism has failed everywhere and everyone it has been tried, just ask those in Venezuela who are currently digging for bones in trash trucks for food and exhuming graves for anything of value. President Trump was 100% right to decry socialism in his state of the union address. Somehow the idea of socialism has become popular among the youth in some parts of the country, and it’s a dangerous road to cross. Capitalism liberates the common man. Settle for minimum wage jobs and don’t be surprised you can’t afford groceries. Buy a vacuum and a mop and clean people’s houses as a small business and put in the hours as needed and buy that Lexus you want.

However, Trump isn’t the standard, and shouldn’t be held as one, I’m absolutely appalled that people would blindly fall behind anyone like a lemming be it Obama or Trump. This is how Hitler rose to power, blind unquestioned faith from lemmings .
The issues in Venezuela are not a result of socialism but instead an issue of authoritarianism. Trump supporters like to point at Venezuela’s problems as a counter to proposals such as Medicare for all but the real lesson is in how the executive behaves. Madura is far more like trump than he is like Bernie and given the things trump has said while in office about what he thinks is the reach of his power the only thing preventing us from being like Venezuela is our stronger political system.
Great letter Ruthann. Joe, you are fully wrong. At one time Venezuela was a rich country, in both beauty and wealth. Failed socialism forced upon citizens by an evil President that was a former bus driver ruined the nation. Madura is not like President Trump at all. Perhaps in your fantasy...that is all. Venezuelans are on the verge of civil war as President Trump is supporting Madura’s opponent. There goes your fantasy. People are eating pets and zoo animals as the Venezuelan economy is collapsing. This is a case study on socialism. President Obama was more like Madura if you want to discuss that. You will never need to eat a zoo animal as long as Trump is President. A coup was attempted and narrowly averted right here in America. The will of the people was hijacked by political operatives that failed. Similar measures in Venezuela succeeded. Thank God for President Trump. Trump saved America. Madura ruined Venezuela. You are fully wrong Joe. The difference could not be more stark.
Actually, the collapse of oil and gas prices in the 80's had much more to do with Venezuela's predicament., followed by Venezuela's overvaluing their currency, and the drastic cutbacks of social spending demanded by the IMF.. Socialism didn't pop up until the late 90's - when most of the destruction of Venezuela's wealth had already occurred.

Perhaps Venezuela should have followed the USA's example of subsidizing the oil and gas industry to the tune of 20 billion dollars a year - but that would have been socialist.
Therein lies the problem. Thinking ahead by those who haven't the head for thinking.
MAGA, Make A Greenland Auschwitz!
Here's some real thinking ahead!!!!
President Trump is lashing out yet again at former White House aide Anthony Scramucci, calling him a "nut job" that he "barely knew" Monday on Twitter.
45 + Trisomy 21 = America in the crapper
Let's get some more "nut Jobs" as if trump isn't enough? Wake up trumptards, take your medication.

T2C, have you been drinking weed killer...again? You are comical with your self deprecating posts. You are a nut job on full parade to the community. Here are you, the dumbest one to ever post on the TN site, making fun of President Trump. Should we review your thinking level? Trump has many buildings with his name on them. How many buildings have your name on them, using your revolutionary thinking process? Trump is worth Billions of $. How much are you worth, using your revolutionary thinking process? Thousands of citizens work in businesses owned by Trump. How many people work for you, using your revolutionary thinking process? How is that? Your thinking process is arrogant, condescending & weak. Pick on someone at your third grade. Ha ha...joke on you brudda! MAGA! America is great!
Now remember to capitalize the “T” in Trump as a sign of respect. Why don’t you change your name back to “Digger out”? The collusion thing was such a flop by all ways of measuring, I think of you as a loser linking yourself to the epic political failure of all time. Well, now that I think about it...T2C is perfect! President Trump is your master! Bow down to the greatness of your master, Trump! You are unworthy to look into the eyes of the Trump poster on your wall! Pledge servitude to Master Trump!
Signing up to comment on here was a mistake, the last four comments are so gross and disgusting one can’t help but wonder if it’s juveniles commenting and not adults. I’ll talk with anybody about anything, that’s how we learn, but I won’t associate with nonsensical vulgarity. How do I delete this account?

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