Thorpe approves CCTI budget
Carbon Career and Technical Institute’s budget tour steamrolled on Wednesday night as Jim Thorpe Area School District’s board of directors unanimously approved the 2019-20 spending plan.
Of the school’s $8.5 million budget, $1.4 million comes from Jim Thorpe, one of five sending districts. Each district’s contribution is determined by a five-year average enrollment.
The budget approval passed in Jim Thorpe by a 7-0 vote with Wilmer Redline abstaining due to part-time employment at CCTI.
“The director and business manager really twist and turn to keep the budget the same year in and year out,” said Jim Thorpe Director Gerald Strubinger. “Congratulations to them.”
Dave Reinbold, CCTI’s administrative director, and Jeffrey Deutsch, business administrator, touted the fact that the school has not increased what it is asking for in the budget in seven years.
“We’d like to thank Jim Thorpe, Panther Valley and Palmerton for approving our budget,” Reinbold said after the meeting. “We are seeking the same amount of funding we have since 2013 — no more, no less. Clearly there is a strong support in the county for that request.”
Leading up to the budget presentations, CCTI had been questioned by several school districts over its fund balance, which stands at around $5 million. Lehighton, where CCTI will present later this month, saw its administration recommend a 10 percent reduction to sending districts.
Weatherly previously voted down CCTI’s budget, but is set to vote again.
As for Jim Thorpe, its share of the budget is going down this year by $99,000.
“The three districts that pay for over 70 percent of our expenditures have now approved the budget by a 22-1 vote,” Reinbold said.
In other action on Wednesday, the board approved:
• An advertisement for bids for food service manager.
• The resignation of Dennis McGinley as Jim Thorpe’s representative to the Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit 21 board and tabbed Raniero Marciante as his successor.
• The Lehigh Carbon Community College 2019-20 budget.
• Staying within its Act 1 index of 2.8 percent for any property tax increase.
• Nancy Shiner as a long-term substitute at $45,345.
• The resignation of Eric Hill, assistant information technology director.
• Retirements of Mary Mulligan Lesisko, administrative assistant, effective June 30; Doris Raffaele, paraprofessional; Leo O’Donnell, elementary teacher; and Trudy Miller, English teacher.
• Memorandum of understanding with Star Wellness Center Inc. to provide dental exams and services to students.