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Township zoning aims to bar pipelines, turbines near trail

Published September 16. 2019 12:04AM

NAZARETH (AP) — An eastern Pennsylvania township has approved zoning changes aimed at blocking projects such as natural gas pipelines, wind turbines, solar panels and cellphone towers from being located near its section of the Appalachian Trail.

Plainfield Township supervisors unanimously last week approved the ordinance, which also addresses mineral extraction, billboards and mobile homes, The (Allentown) Morning Call reported .

“I think we always need to be vigilant and concerned about how the trail is going to be impacted. You look back 10 years ago and no one would have anticipated explosive growth of warehouses, for example,” said environmental planner Brooks Mountcastle of the Appalachian Trail Conservancy, which provided a $16,900 grant for a consultant to help draft the ordinance.

Mountcastle said other municipalities, including Moore Township, Upper Mount Bethel Township and Bushkill Township have recently adopted ordinances aimed at protecting the trail, but they aren’t as comprehensive as Plainfield’s ordinance. The new ordinance includes guidelines for controlling light pollution, groundwater withdrawal, digital signs, noise, commercial outdoor recreation, residential developments, solar panels, natural gas pipelines and wind turbines.

Thomas Petrucci, the township’s manager, said the ordinance wasn’t prompted by any specific project. An advisory council suggested it, he said, based on Act 24 of the 2008 PA Appalachian Trail Act, which stemmed from a court case related to a proposed country club for car enthusiasts near a Monroe County section of the trail.

The act says municipalities with portions of trail should take action to preserve the natural, scenic, historic and aesthetic values of the trail. Mountcastle said, however, that the act’s language “lacks some teeth in that it puts the burden on the township to protect what they view as necessary.”.

There are 58 municipalities in Pennsylvania that are traversed by the Appalachian Trail, according to the conservancy.


Information from: The Morning Call,

Good move Nazareth! More Carbon county communities need to follow suit. There are too many companies run by Deviant Republican Profiteers trying to destroy our quality of life.
Your ordinances need to reflect the times, it's not 1910 anymore! And no Republican CEO can be counted upon to have any sense of decency.
An absolute ban stretching across all of these industries geared toward a needed human comfort such as heating our homes... Well... That's just plain simple minded and ignorant. Now some Party Polluted folks may see this as a victory, or the ecologist may applaud this as a win for the planet, but I see it as lacking priority. Putting more value on a hiking trail than humans, rings loud and clear. Not in my backyard isn't a wise approach when dealing with clean safe energy. I get the turbines and solar panels, and certainly Smell Towers, but pipelines? Why not power lines too?
As for this just being a green-way aberration unprompted? Cut me a brake Mr. Petrucci! This is a political exercise of power by a township who's over stepping in power (no pun intended).
Did you consider Brooks Mountcastle in the same light as you see other Deviant Profiteers?
As for times we live in? Did you see where Iran just blew up a Saudi Refinery? We still need some of that oil. The goal is to become "ENERGY INDEPENDANT".
This foolish ordinance comes against that. Let's put America First in a way that considers the environment, as we already do. Remember too, this planet was made for man, and the creator has already considered these things like power lines and pipelines.
While banning pipelines, ask yourself if the alternative means to move oil and gas, rails, is any safer. Stop with the radical obstruction over the planet. The creator created a planet capable of enduring man. Please try and embrace that, or... God help us.
Oh please spare me the hypocrisy of the GOP who never over step other peoples boundaries. Read the news about North Carolina's legislature recently for just one of many examples. The GOP cares about business, big business, and their so called conservative values.
A major misconception CountryGirl. I'm now a Republican, I not a business, but I do vote for conservative values. The attack on the Saudi Aramco facility halted production of 5.7 million barrels of crude a day. Our pipelines move our natural resource (gas and oil), making us a major player among the oil producing countries. Bottom line, pipelines are good for America. Energy Independence. Get it? Or we could move across the nation by rail, but...

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