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Trump is the victor

Published March 07. 2020 06:49AM

President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address before the Senate and Congress was brilliant. He received more standing ovations than Barbra Streisand has sold No. 1 hit albums. And this is the man the Democrats are hellbent to impeach. Literally kick him out of the White House! Claiming he isn’t capable of holding the presidency. Why they hate Trump, especially, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, is beyond anyone’s realization. Of course, we know the Democrats want a Democrat president in the Oval Office, so they can run our country in their own disgusting terms.

No matter what Trump achieved during the past three years in greatness to improve America, the Democrats NEVER acknowledge his accomplishments for making our country the greatest in the world. Amen. In all my years of viewing State of the Union speeches this 2020 was the most emotional ever heard. When Mrs. Trump placed the Medal of Freedom on Rush Limbaugh, I felt tears wetting my cheeks, as was the case with a number of Americans who were honored for their bravery for facing unforeseen obstacles in their daily lives.

Disliking Trump as she does, Pelosi was freely giving out monogrammed souvenir pens, while her face was etched with a devious smile. She had the gall to tear up State of the Union pages while Trump was still speaking to the nation. How hateful can anyone be?

How about we impeach the entire Democratic Party, along with Pelosi, as they aren’t true Americans or they wouldn’t disrespect an honorable man of high office who has worked most diligently to improve our country’s standard of living. Trump has achieved every umpteen project he promised the American people when sworn into office and he hasn’t gone back on his promise as was indicated during his State of the Union speech. The Democrats are dissolute and bad losers due to the outcome of the 2016 election when Hillary lost to Trump. They couldn’t accept defeat! We need Trump for another four years or our beloved United States is heading for total disaster!

His impeachment was asinine. The verdict had to prove acquittal. He’s a godsend for America.

God bless America

Earle E. Stahler

West Penn Township

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