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Two eagle cams ready to watch

Published December 21. 2019 06:28AM

Good news, Eagle Cam lovers: There’s a new nest to watch.

The Pennsylvania Game Commission, HDOnTap and Comcast Business have teamed up to offer a new bald-eagle nest livestream for the 2019-20 nesting season.

The PA Farm Country Eagle Nest livestream launched this week, offering viewers worldwide 24-7 access to live video and audio captured at a bald-eagle nest in rural Pennsylvania. This livestream is in addition to the Hanover bald-eagle live­stream launched several years ago.

The Farm Country eagle nest livestream, which will be available to view through the Game Commission’s website,, features two cameras, one that can be controlled remotely to capture different angles.

Eagles have nested in the vicinity of this site for at least 15 years, and in most years, have successfully fledged three young. Bald eagles typically lay eggs in mid-February and, if the eggs are viable, they’ll hatch in mid- to late March, with young fledging in June, but continuing to stop back at the nest.

To view the eagle cam, go to and click on the Bald Eagle Nest Livestream link in the Quick Clicks section of the homepage. The livestream can be accessed on the page that will open.

Twitter and Facebook users also can share the Eagle Cam with friends by tweeting #PGCEagleCam.

Even though there’s weeks to go before any egg-laying or incubating might occur, Burhans said the Eagle Cam always is worth looking in on.

“You never know what you might see, but chances are you won’t have to watch long to witness something fascinating,” Burhans said.


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