UPS to expand in Lehigh Valley, adding 356 jobs
Governor Tom Wolf announced Wednesday that United Parcel Service will expand its operations in the Pennsylvania, supporting the creation of 1,721 new, full-time jobs and the retention of 6,458 full-time jobs.
One operation will be added in Northampton County, at 1620 Van Buren Road in Palmer Township. It will create 356 full-time jobs.
“With a foundation of longevity and rich history, UPS is a company that is still growing at a rapid rate, serving the needs of people in all corners of the commonwealth on a daily basis,” said Gov. Wolf. “Our investment in this global company will not only ensure that customers across Pennsylvania will continue to receive the service they expect, but also local communities will benefit from the combined creation and retention of thousands of good-paying, full-time jobs.”
The company will expand its operations to four locations in Pennsylvania—Cumberland, Dauphin, Northampton, and Philadelphia counties—and will invest in building renovations, equipment, and infrastructure improvements at each of the locations. The company has committed to investing at least $1.4 billion in the project.
“UPS is grateful for the strong relationship we continue to build with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. We are excited to bring new jobs to Pennsylvania and we are committed to engaging in the communities where we are expanding our operations.” said Juan Perez, UPS Chief Information and Engineering Officer. “From small business owners growing their customer base to manufacturers moving parts and products, and e-tailers looking for efficient and fast order fulfillment, companies of all sizes throughout the Northeast will benefit from UPS’s latest global network transformation initiative.”
UPS received a funding proposal from the Department of Community and Economic Development for $2.7 million in Job Creation Tax Credits to be distributed following the creation of the new jobs, $5.6 million in Infrastructure and Facilities Improvement Program funding, and $659,400 in grants for workforce training and development. The project was coordinated by the Governor’s Action Team, an experienced group of economic development professionals who report directly to the governor and work with businesses that are considering locating or expanding in Pennsylvania.
BTW, it's best poll number on the economy since 1991.
Now why didn't we see growth like this under the Kenyan?
Keep America Great.
Trump 2020
Based on what I know about the man and his Administration, that ain't saying much. :)
I, by no means stated I was pleased. What I did say is that I think he did a good job (in areas that concern me, personally, couldn't care any less about the impeachment as most politicians use questionable tactics) in contrast to what I expected his presidency to be.
But, the whole point of my comment was that Trump should NOT be receiving credit for UPS expanding, as that was inevitable considering the continual growth of ecommerce.
Not sure what being a member of the Armed Forces or anything you said has anything to do with anything. I DO care about our country, but I got a little secret for you... this country has been on a very sharp downhill decline for a long time.
You're trying so hard to make this a political thing, and it's not. You want to believe so bad that I am a Trump supporter... I'm not. Don't let my lack of interest in this circus sideshow of an impeachment confuse you, my friend... I'm simply over politics in general. There were not and there still are not strong enough candidates to unify the country. Trump didn't win the election, everyone else lost it.
How you drew the conclusion about my intellect and level of concern for my country based on a few vague, generalized sentences in which the moral of the story is Trump deserves no credit is beyond me and calls into question YOUR intellect. See people like you turn people like me off to politics. It doesn't matter, Democrat or Republican, it's all the same bs, just opposite sides of the same coin.
Do you for one second believe this country is anymore divided now than it was prior? If you believe that as true, don't ever speak to me about my dimension of thinking. Yes, it's more visible, but the most dangerous threat is an unseen one. But perhaps you would have rather lived with the ignorance is bliss mentality as to how people really are, that would speak volumes about your character.
Now, if you're done trying to put words in my mouth, have a good night.
Mike - You want to bring up MAGA goes:
1. Yesterday the GOP Senate offered a very scary defense that is eating away at our Constitution.
2. Trump has exposed the Republican Party for what it is. The stench of corruption is upon us.
3. Which Senator can justify defending his behavior.
4. Do you think that most Americans will let him walk all over us.
5. In 3 short years he has killed the American Spirit and divided friends.
6. Music "My October Symphony" - Stalin History -The Bolsheviks faced a bullet, what will the GOP face.
7. If we want to remain a Super Power....he needs to go.