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Vote Sara Ruch For Summit Hill Borough Council

Published May 17. 2019 01:05PM

Sara Ruch is seeking to retain her position on Summit Hill Borough Council in the coming election.

She is the owner of 14 Acre Farm in Summit Hill, and the former project manager for the Lansford-Summit Hill Community Partnership. She holds an associate degree in general studies from LCCC and is a graduate of the Community Revitalization Academy of the Pennsylvania Downtown Center. She and her husband, Kevin, live in a formerly vacant home they are restoring in White Bear. She has three children — two are current students at Panther Valley, and one is a PV graduate.

As vice president of the Summit Hill Historical Society, Sara has worked closely with society members and the Public Works department to design and install the Hometown Heroes banners. She is also the founder of the Summit Hill Hootenanny, a great new town tradition.

Sara cares about the issues that affect the people of Summit Hill. She is friendly and always willing to listen. Since she was appointed to borough council in August 2018, she has not missed a single council meeting. She believes that appreciating and enhancing the beauty of the town is key to keeping it a source of pride for its residents.

We believe that Sara Ruch is an outstanding member of borough council and hope she is retained in this election. The above description of her is only a small amount of what she does for Summit Hill.

Louis Vermillion

Maxine M. Vermillion

Summit Hill

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