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W. Penn looks to address malfunctioning sewer system

Published June 19. 2019 11:05AM

West Penn Township continues to ponder its best course of action to address a malfunctioning sewer system in Andreas.

Supervisor Ted Bogosh brought the matter to the forefront at Monday morning’s board of supervisors meeting.

Bogosh said one option is to consider a community water system that would be mandated by the state and Delaware River Basic Commission.

However, Bogosh said he wasn’t sure of the cost associated with a community water system.

Bogosh said a second option would be a community sewer system, but that the township’s sewage enforcement officer has recommended a community water system.

“It would guarantee safe drinking water,” Bogosh said.

Board Chairman Tony Prudenti said this particular situation plays into the township’s Act 537 sewage facility plan.

Prudenti noted that he previously suggested putting in a community well, but that the problem with a community well is “we need property to do it.”

Supervisor Tim Houser asked whether they could form a homeowners’ association.

Prudenti went as far as to suggest perhaps condemning the house where the malfunction is.

Supervisors also discussed the possibility of getting the neighbor of the malfunctioning system to move his well at the expense of the property owner with the malfunction.

Regardless of the solution, Bogosh stressed the importance of the matter being addressed.

“We’ve got a problem that we need to address,” he said. “It’s a failed sewage system that needs to be fixed.”

Prudenti said the situation has been ongoing for about a year or so.

In the meantime, a holding tank has been put in as a temporary solution, Prudenti said.

He said there are several options for the township to consider: Have the property owner fix it, put in a community system; or come up out-of-the-box scenarios.

“It’s definitely a problem; something that’s ongoing, and we’re working on it,” Prudenti said, adding that he believes it’s more important than the water extraction issue.

Ultimately, supervisors decided to have township Sewage Enforcement Officer Bill Brior present at the board’s July 1 meeting to further discuss the issue.

Here we are again DO. What kind of person has full blown hatred for some one/thing they never even met? That hatred is an indication of mental illness. You need to see the inside of a mental health facility. Now, Republicans are attempting to control your water. You are a low IQ nut job with extreme mental dysfunction. You are a hazard to yourself and your community. Clean up your dirty act. Republicans love you. Republicans wish you the best. Get help. Drink as much water as you want. Take a bath. This is crazy! I am going to shine the light on you.

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