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W. Penn tables revisions to water extraction law

Published February 19. 2019 12:43PM

West Penn Township supervisors have tabled its water extraction zoning ordinance until next month.

Board solicitor Paul J. Datte suggested that the board table the recommendations for clarification with the water extraction attorney.

The West Penn Township Water Resource & Planning Steering Committee and planning commission recommended authorizing attorney Jordan Yeager’s firm, and hydrogeologist Phil Getty to make revisions to the draft water extraction ordinance.

The committee recommended incorporating any use that results in more than 1,000 gallons per day on any particular property with considerations for multiple wells or developments on a particular property and sensitivity to the farm community.

They should also consider truck traffic and use, and costs and fees the township.

Datte said the township will consider regulations to deal with extraction of water from wells between what would likely be 1,000 gallons per day up to 100,000 gallons per day.

He said 100,000 gallons per day figure is the volume that’s regulated by the Delaware River Basin Commission, and will likely establish performance criteria in the zoning ordinance to address those issues.

Datte also said the township will look at truck traffic associated not only with water extraction, but with other larger-scale operations, to attempt to address those issues.

From that point, the board would give direction to the outside consultants to draft the ordinance.

Datte said the township was reviewing issues related to the existing ordinance and then reviewing water extraction operations that are already permitted.

You are correct - here is a fatal accident at the intersection of Blue Mtn Drive and Rt 309, where the driver swerved to the left across all lanes of Rt 309. He may have been avoiding a water tanker leaving BMD to turn south onto Rt 309 - these tankers every 20 minutes make this turn and block all three lanes of 309 in both directions when they pull out. Another fatal accident will happen - just a matter of time.

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