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Warmest regards: Friends you carry in your heart

Published March 16. 2018 09:46PM

By Pattie Mihalik

Is there anyone you haven’t seen for a long time but still carry that special someone in your heart?

This morning it’s a bit rainy and windy so my morning walk didn’t last long. Then I headed to Command Central — my computer.

There is a lot wrong with Facebook but there is so much right about it, too.

This morning I found messages from friends from my past and it made me feel great to hear from them and think of them. Granted, it’s only a sentence or two but it brings to mind the friend who wrote it. For me, that’s always a good thing.

I’ve had to leave so many good friends behind when I moved here to Florida. Well, I didn’t exactly leave them behind because I carry them with me in my heart.

Every single person who graced my life by his or her presence remains with me always. It truly warms my heart to think of those friends. You might be surprised at how often I do that.

I don’t think we truly leave our past behind. It remains with us and helps shape us into the person we have become.

To those in my past who have given me joy, please know that joy remains with me whenever I think of you.

To those who have given me the precious gift we call friendship please know I will always treasure your gift.

I might not see you for years. But as long as memory remains I will be gladden by memories of our special times together.

There are times like this morning when I’m just doing something simple like checking email but my thoughts are interrupted by a warm memory.

One precious memory I remember is a dark night when my drumming friends and I trekked through the woods at Lisa’s farm, playing our drums as we went.

The only sound was the beat of our drums and the crunch of our footsteps as we followed each other to the campfire. All along the trail my ears strained to hear any scary sounds. Of course there was nothing to be afraid of, not when I was with my very capable and very caring drumming friends.

When we sat around the fire it was musicians Moe and Colleen who led us in drumming rhythms. Our minds were filled with peace and with the joy of the moment.

On occasion I talk with Lisa, Raeann or another of those drumming friends. Sometimes we mention how we wish we could relive those special get-togethers.

We can’t of course. But we can relive it in our memory as we recall our special times with friends.

None of us live in the past. We have all gone on to new joys, new events and often new friends. But that doesn’t mean we have to forget past ones.

I don’t believe we ever forget a warm friendship. I sure don’t. And I am absolutely certain my friends from the past are not the kind to ever forget warm friendships, even when we don’t see each other.

Soon Moe and Colleen might be making their annual trek to Southwest Florida and I will again get to glory in their special friendship.

This summer I may also get to see my true-blue friends Lenny and his wife, Rose Ann.

But even when they are far away they all remain with me because I carry them in my heart.

That is especially true of my friend Mary. She doesn’t travel and is wrapped up in family obligations. But she will always be as close to me as my own heartbeat.

It saddens me that I can no longer go next door to see her … or that I can no longer put on my porch light as our signal that I want her to stop by. But I am an optimist and I refuse to believe I will never again see my precious Mary.

Last week I was so happy when Priscilla, my friend of 50 years, came to Florida for a week.

With Priscilla I’ve shared 50 years of fun and laughter. A simple shopping trip to Sam’s Club was an occasion of constant laughter as we shared the gift of friendship.

Since her husband died Priscilla doesn’t laugh as much. But our friendship means we will be there for each other one through fun times and dark times. After all, isn’t that what true friends do?

When I lived through 12 years of illness with Andy the few friends who were there for us formed a forever bond with me. I believe when friends are there for you through the painful, tough times you form a bond with them, much like war buddies who were together in battle.

We never forget that kind of friend. And we never lose our gratitude for that special kind of friendship.

One of my Florida friends mentioned she thinks I have a lot of friends from all walks of life. That may be true. My husband and I enjoy our favorite activities with a variety of friends.

I am also forming rather strong friendships with some ladies in my church group.

But none of that lessens the bond of past friendships. Nor does it dim the glow of so many warm memories.

Contact Pattie Mihalik at

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