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Water authority chairman defends board pay

Published January 13. 2020 12:19PM

The chairman of the Lansford Coaldale Joint Water Authority says that he feels that the authority’s board members are paid an appropriate amount for the work they do.

Robert Demyanovich defended the agency after members of Lansford Borough Council expressed concern over the board’s pay.

“I don’t feel the board members are overcompensated for how the authority is being managed,” Demyanovich said.

The authority raised its rates by 10 percent this year. But prior to that rate increase, rates remained the same for 10 years.

During that time, the authority made several large investments into the system, Demyanovich said. Among the major projects, they spent $695,000 to upgrade the water line serving Phillips Street in Coaldale, and upgraded the water line on Abbott Street in Lansford, another project costing hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Demyanovich said customers still pay $75 per quarter for 7,000 gallons of water — roughly $25 per month.

“We do what we can, and we try to work and do the best we can with the money we have and not to raise rates,” Demyanovich said.

At Wednesday’s meeting of Lansford Borough Council, council members appointed a new representative to the authority.

One of the applicants, Christopher Ondrus, presented documents showing that board members receive higher compensation than other municipal water authorities in Carbon County.

While council appoints the authority board members, the board sets its own salaries.

The council voted to organize a meeting with Coaldale Borough to discuss the future of the authority. No date has been announced.

Ondrus is right but you can not shame those guys.The other boroughs do the same work for way less money.What a spin job!Drain the swamp.Don't worry nothing will change because the water company has the borough council in there pocket.I never in my life heard a lame excuse like the one above.If they did not get that $12-$15,000/year they would run for the door.How come he did not put all the salaries and benefits in the paper???How much does Demyanovich make?Secret!When are the meetings?3pm during the week so nobody that has a job can make it.And if you do go you will be a outcast and get sore at you for questioning them.Nobody likes Ditsky because he asks questions.Remember Tom Vadyak,they probably stick pins in his Voodoo doll and tell him to go away.I hope he gets back at them.Oh and he forgot to tell you it is $75.00 even if you use 1 gallon.What a rip off.After the meeting with Coaldale and Lansford put all the salaries out to the public and let them decide.Minimum for water use went up to $78.00 from $68.00.$78.00 even if you use 0 gallons of water.But don't hold your breath.Ditsky & Vadyak are the only ones with balls to say the truth.Half hour meeting for that money and they say they work full time.I think some body on the board is on Lansford Alive.If they cared about the town they should donate there salary.Like Archie Bunkers all in the family.Maybe the new council members are not in the pocket of the board members.We will see.Oh yea!What Ditsky said i heard too.All board members should do what Ondrus said.$100/month.Fair just like council.And they do more. Chuma is always with the men.The people on the water company might not like what i said but what are you going to do,"Give me a haircut and send me to Vietnam!!!"Plus Ondrus said he would only take $100/month.Does that mean he does what he wants when it comes to pay.Why did Horvat quit?????Any answers from Lansford council.Ask them if you will???Oh yea CONFIDENTIAL.Did not hear about the increase in the water bill till i got my statement.I guess voted on a secret meeting at 3PM when the public can't attend.Have them at 6pm so the public can attend.If Joe taxpayer goes to the meeting they look at you like what are you doing here?Freedom of info is a joke! If you in the office.You have to go see the solicitor and jump through hoops to get it and good luck with that.Way to go Ditsky.I do not expect any change.If you say some thing you offend them.Go ahead bring it up to one of the board members and they will spin it.I hope to see the results of the meeting with Coaldale.Oh yea that will be secret to.Most on the water company i think are Trump supporters.They want him to drain the SWAMP but not there swamp

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