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Weatherly adds a fourth full-time officer

Published January 21. 2020 01:07PM

Weatherly Borough has added a fourth full-time police officer to the force.

Council voted unanimously to appoint Ashley Goho to a full-time position at their monthly meeting Monday night.

Goho has been a part-time officer for Weatherly for more than a decade.

The borough’s civil service commission scored Goho as the highest of three qualified applicants for the full-time position. Chief Brian Markovchick said she and the other applicants were well-qualified.

“All three officers work here currently, Ashley’s been here 15 years as a part-time officer. They definitely have the stuff to be here. They were all recommended,” he said.

Goho will be scheduled as a full-time officer immediately.

Her starting salary wasn’t available. Borough officials said that per a union contract, she will be paid 75 percent of the normal patrolman rate during a probationary period. Her pay will be increased over the next four years until it reaches the normal full-time rate.

Markovchick said that the department has needed additional full-time officers for nearly a decade. The department provides 24/7 coverage for the borough. For several years they have relied on a platoon of part-time officers to fill in for the full-time chief, sergeant and patrolman.

The hiring will make scheduling easier, Markovchick said.

“It’ll be a definite help to our manning situation. We’re at a minimum now,” Markovchick said.

Before the vote to hire Goho, council members asked if the chief had input in the hiring. Borough Manager Harold Pudliner said that Markovchick assisted in the oral, written and physical agility tests undertaken by the three applicants.

Councilman Joseph Cyburt asked that Goho attend an upcoming council meeting so she can be introduced to council members.

In other business

• Council voted to approve a request from County Waste to move the town’s trash pickup from Tuesday morning to Monday morning, starting in three weeks. Pudliner said a Canadian company recently purchased the trash hauler and is making schedule changes.

• Council voted to purchase a new bucket truck from Altec at a cost of $183,580. It will replace a model which is 23 years old. The Truck will take four to five months to produce. Council also authorized an eight-year lease with Mauch Chunk Trust Co. at 2.86 percent, with an option to purchase the truck for $1 at the end of the lease.

• Council approved taking out its annual tax anticipation loan, for $85,000, from Jim Thorpe Neighborhood Bank at a rate of 1.89 percent.

• Council scheduled electronic recycling events for June 20 and Sept. 10.

• Council elevated Don Adams from zoning hearing board alternate to a voting member. Nancy Mulvaney was named as a new alternate.

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