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Weatherly receives school safety grant

Published May 13. 2019 12:35PM

Weatherly Area School District has received a school safety grant totaling $333,773.

School board members will alleviate $60,000 in expenditures and will allow the use of funds to pay for the Intralogic Security system, as well as building intrusion alarms for both buildings, and a new emergency generator at the high school.

The 2019-20 budget proposes an increase of 1.46 mills or 3.1 percent. That would be an average household increase of $146.

In personnel news, the board approved the appointment of Dara Marcheron as school psychologist. She will split her time between Weatherly School District and Panther Valley School District due to respective school needs.

The district will be purchasing new math textbooks for sixth through eighth grades and English textbooks for kindergarten through fifth grades for the upcoming school year.

Creative Recreational Systems will be installing a Pre-K playground that has been paid for from a Pre-K Counts grant.

The school board approved a resolution to ask the state to provide relief from costly right-to-know requests.

Weatherly urged the state Legislature to enact an amendment to define the words “harass” and “overburden” in the current RTK law and to provide a revenue of remedy for a public body to solicit relief from the office of open records or the courts to address those who could be recognized as a “vexatious requestors.”

The following scholarships were announced: Nikki Polivka, $15,000 WAHSAA Scholarship; Katie Graham, $4,000 Wilbur (Tim) Frable (Founding Father) Memorial Scholarship; Courtney Chiorazzi, $2,000 Harry & Loretta Allison Memorial Scholarship; Calista Kuhl, $1,000 Hugo Paul Family Memorial Award; Mackenzie Sherman, $550 Anna Raynock Memorial Scholarship; Rosemarie Kramer, $500 Distinguished Honors Award; Alexia Wilkinson, $500 Distinguished Honors Award; Nick Berger, $250 Distinguished Honors Award; Kevin Osifat, $250 Distinguished Honors Award; and Lillian Newton, $250 Distinguished Honors Award.

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