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Weatherly seeks input from residents

Published July 16. 2019 12:46PM

When Weatherly borough moves into a planned $2 million municipal building and police station next year, the town’s historic train station will be vacant.

Borough council is beginning to discuss future plans for the space, and is inviting residents to share their ideas.

Mayor/Council President Tom Connors kicked off the discussion Monday night at borough council’s monthly meeting. He invited borough council and residents to share their ideas at next month’s borough council meeting.

“We’ve been talking about the new building for quite a few years. I’m sure in the back of each of our minds, we probably had some ideas of what this building might become afterward,” Connors said.

Connors said for some time he has thought that the building should remain under borough ownership, and become a home for the Weatherly Area Museum. He said the museum is in need of space and it would ensure that the station is preserved for years to come. It would also provide better bathroom facilities.

Harold Farrow said he thinks it would be a great place for the museum — either in place of the current building or in addition to it. He credited museum volunteers with putting in the time to make their current space, which was once the dispatch house of the Lehigh Valley Railroad.

Theresa D’Andrea said she thinks it would be a good fit for the museum as well.

Still council decided to wait a month make its decision. Connors said he would like to invite museum volunteers to next month’s meeting to discuss it.

Council also approved a request to donate a reproduction of a Civil War cannon which will be placed near the museum. The donors have agreed to cover the cost of transporting and installing the cannon.

The new municipal building is expected to be completed next year. On Monday, council also approved its own plans for the new building, one of the final steps before construction can begin. Contractors were cleared to work on the project, effective today

Residents will be able to share their ideas at next month’s council meetings. Council meets for its regular session on Aug. 19 and will hold a workshop on Aug. 14. Both are at 7 p.m. at the current borough office in the train station.

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