West End news for Dec. 27, 2018
Editor’s note: Due to computer issues, some messages may have been lost. If a particular announcement was missing from last week’s and it is still pertinent for your group, please resend it to arargot3@verizon.net.
Mass held
Our Lady Queen of Peace Church will have Mass for the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, at 4 p.m. Monday and at 11 a.m. New Year’s Day.
Potluck dinner
The Men’s Group at Our Lady Queen of Peace Church is inviting all men of the parish over the age of 18 to a Men’s Group Pot Luck dinner and Adoration at 7 p.m. Jan. 2. For more information, contact S. Rivera at 570-807-7596.
Home Association
The West End Home Association will meet at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 2 at the Legion Post Home in Gilbert.
Wish list
Quiet Valley is closed for now, but there are needs that Monroe County’s historical living farm has.
Those needs include: RIT dyes in yellow, orange, red, wine, dark blue and dark green; new pint Mason jars with lids and rings; large paper shopping bags with handles (grocery bags); crosscut paper shredder; 6-inch, pointed-tip metal scissors; small shop vacuum cleaner; 20-pound weight white 8½-by-11-inch copy paper; and poster board.
Items can be taken to Quiet Valley after making arrangements with staff by calling 570-992-6161 or email at farm@quietvalley.org.
Bible Study
McMichaels UMC is holding a Bible study based on “The Shack,” beginning Jan. 8 and including Jan. 15, 22, 29 at McMichaels UMC, 104 White Church Road, McMichaels. The class begins at 6 p.m. It is open to all. There is no cost to attend. Anyone with questions can call Pastor Ed at 610-597-1030.
Contact Adele Argot at 717-933-4028 or arargot3@verizon.net. Contact the Times News at 800-443-0377 or tneditor@tnonline.com.