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West End news for March 6, 2019

Published March 06. 2019 12:28PM

Ashes to Go

Zion Lutheran Church in Brodheadsville continues the tradition of offering Ashes To Go on Ash Wednesday. Pastor Melot will be in the church parking lot from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. offering ashes and prayer to all who come by in reminder that need, humility and healing shouldn’t be confined to a church building.

For those able to attend, there will be an Ash Wednesday worship service at 7:30 p.m. in the church that day.

Chestnuthill Seniors

The menu for Chestnuthill Seniors meeting on Wednesdays and Fridays at Zion Lutheran in Brodheadsville, calls for Friday’s regular lunch to be teriyaki cod over rice, along with spinach, peas and carrots, and an orange. The lighter fare is pasta and vegetable salad, coleslaw, banana, Jell-O and pudding.

For next Wednesday, the regular is scheduled to be to be sweet and sour chicken, over brown rice, Oriental vegetable blend, yellow squash and Mandarin oranges.

The lighter fare lunch includes turkey and cheese orzo salad, apricots, whole grain bread and Jell-O.

The activity on Friday is exercise with Dolores, while next Wednesday’s is a blood pressure screening.

All days the group meets, coffee and tea is available from 9 to 10 a.m. and lunch begins at 11:30 a.m.

Those planning to eat any meeting day must call the site manager by 11 a.m. the day before.

Ashes at Mass

Our Lady Queen of Peace Church will distribute ashes at its 12:10 and 7 p.m. Masses as well as at a 4 p.m. prayer service.

During the six successive Wednesdays of Lent, March 13 through April 19, the parish will sponsor a Life in the Spirit presentation in McCawley Hall.

The program will start each evening at 6 p.m. with dinner, and end at 8:30 pm. There is no cost for this six-week program. To register, contact Jacki Douglas at 610-681-6137, ext. 114, or at

In addition, morning prayer will be offered at 7:45 a.m. each Friday during Lent. Deacon Bob and Deacon Joe will be leading this portion of the Liturgy of the Hours.

All are welcome.

Stations of the Cross will be held at 7 p.m. Fridays during Lent, beginning this Friday.

Lenten study

Effort UMC is beginning a Lenten study on Ash Wednesday in Wesley Hall. It will be held each Wednesday during Lent, with a time of fellowship being held from 5:15 to 5:45 p.m. with soup and salad.

The study will begin at 5:45 p.m. and go through 6:45 p.m. Lenten services will follow at 7 p.m. A sign-up sheet can be found on the Welcome Center at the church.

Wednesday services

McMichaels UMC will have an Ash Wednesday service at 7 p.m.

Salem-St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Kresgeville will have services at noon and at 7 p.m. with the Imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion.

On Mondays, beginning this coming Monday, the church will host a Lenten Bible study led by Pastor John Harding on The Great Reveal.

St. John’s Lutheran, Effort will have an Ash Wednesday service at 7 p.m.

St. Peter’s UMC, Saylorsburg, will have an Ash Wednesday service at 7 p.m.

Pleasant Valley Assembly of God will have its regular worship service on Wednesday at 7 p.m.

Rock painting

The Western Pocono Community Library has adult rock painting on its schedule for tonight. For more information call the library at 570-992-7934.

Eldred meets

Due to the power outage, the last meeting of the Eldred Board of Supervisors was canceled. The normal schedule of meetings resumes at 7 tonight.

Lenten dinners

Salem UCC in Gilbert is offering takeout orders of fish and chips on Friday and also on the following Fridays, March 15, March 22, March 29, April 5 and April 12.

Each dinner will include three pieces of fish, french fries, cole slaw and dessert. Dinners must be ordered ahead of time. Payment is due in cash, only.

Dessert will be available for purchase as well. Pickup is from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.

Call 610-681-4733 on Monday, Wednesday or Friday mornings for more information and to place an order. Or call 570-620-1425.

This is a benefit for PVEN food Bank, Family Promise and Meals on Wheels.

Monroe OES

The Monroe County Order of the Eastern Star is slated to meet at 5:30 p.m. Thursday at the Masonic Center in Bartonsville. There is a light supper before the regular meeting, which begins at 7 p.m. this month.

It will include a memorial service for those who have passed since the memorial service last year and there will be an installation of a Master Mason.

Pizza sale

McMichaels UMC is holding a pizza sale. To order, call Stout at 570-992-6742 by Thursday. Pickup is by 11 a.m. March 16.

Contact Adele Argot at 717-933-4028 or Contact the Times News at 800-443-0377 or

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