West End news for Nov. 16
Sunday supper
Our Lady Queen of Peace Church, Gilbert, will again host a Sunday supper at 3 p.m. this Sunday and also on Nov. 26.
Everyone’s birthday
The Western Pocono Women’s Club will hold its regular club meeting at 7 p.m. Monday at Effort United Methodist Church. The ladies will be having fun celebrating everyone’s birthday that evening at the club meeting.
They also will be busy planning the club Christmas party.
The club is open to all women 18 years and older. For more information about this service club, see the website: www.westernpoconowomensclub.org, email wpwomensclub@gmail.com or call Greta Weaver at 570-620-0456.
The club continues to clip coupons to send monthly to service personnel in Okinawa, Japan, as well as collect donations for the Angel’s Closet, the Effort Methodist Church Supplemental Food Pantry and VALOR.
With the arrival of the colder weather, the ladies are again stitching away on Quilts Made with Love by WPWC. So far this fall, they have donated 10 quilts to Monroe County Children and Youths and several more to the Angel’s Closet. They will begin mailing Christmas cards for the military to the troops overseas, a joint project with area Girl Scout troops. The cards wish the troops a merry Christmas and thank them for their service to the nation.
Early meeting
The Polk Township board of supervisors will meet a week early, the third Monday of the month, this coming Monday, beginning with the proposed budget, at 6:30 p.m.
Shawl ministry
Effort UMC’s Prayer Shawl ministry will meet again at 10 a.m. Tuesday to knit or crochet items for hurting folks.
Chestnut Supers
The Chestnuthill Township board of supervisors will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the Chestnuthill Township municipal building in Brodheadsville.
Medicare comparisons
The Monroe County Area Agency on Aging APPRISE program will have free plan comparisons for Medicare beneficiaries. The comparisons began in October and end Dec 7. Hours available for appointments are 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Monroe County Loder Building at 62 Analomink St., East Stroudsburg, PA.
Limited appointments will also be taken for Kinsley’s ShopRite Community Room in Brodheadsville.
Call The Monroe County Area Agency on Aging for an appointment at 570-420-3735 or toll free 800-498-0330.
Plan comparisons will be done by appointment only.
Thanksgiving dinners
The American Legion Post 927 in Gilbert will host its annual Thanksgiving dinner at noon to 6 p.m. Nov. 23, Thanksgiving Day. It is free to those in need. Contact Cam Wilson at cameronwilson72@yahoo.com.
Effort UMC is also again hosting a community Thanksgiving at the church beginning at 2 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day. All are welcome.
Longwoods trip
Registration for the West End Park and Open Space Commission sponsored bus trip to Longwood Gardens on Dec. 9 is due by Nov. 24.
Participants can view festive flower arrangements and the outdoor display of hundreds of trees and over a half million lights. The bus departs Dansbury Park, East Stroudsburg at 11 a.m. and Chestnuthill Township Park in Brodheadsville at 11:30 a.m. Return time to Chestnuthill Park is 9:30 p.m. and Dansbury Park at 10 p.m.
Photo fundraiser
The CIA (Christian in Action) of St. Matthew’s UCC in Kunkletown is offering a Christmas photo fundraiser. Times for sessions include: Nov. 24, from 9 a.m. to noon; Nov. 28, from 6 to 8 p.m.; Dec. 3, noon to 2:30 p.m.; and Dec. 10, from 10 to 11:30 a.m.
Other sessions will be available as needed or requested.
For more information, including costs, call the church at 610-381-2442.
Craft show
The West End Volunteer Fire Company will host a craft show from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Nov. 25, at the West End Firehouse in Brodheadsville.
Parking and admission are free.
Bikes needed
According to Effort UMC, No Kids Without Wheels is looking for new or used bicycles, bicycle parts, wheels, chains, seats etc., and tools. Contact the organization at nkwowheels@gmail.com if one has items to donate.
PVEN help
The Pleasant Valley Ecumenical Network is seeking volunteers to help give children in the community a brighter Christmas by volunteering with the Angel Tree Christmas Toy Program. The dates are Dec. 15 to Dec. 20. Call the PVEN office at 570-992-3136 for specific times, or sign up online at http://www.signupgenious.com/go/4090c4cacac2ba1fa7-angel.
Effort UMC will have its angel tree for PVEN in the narthex on Sunday so members can bring back unwrapped gifts no later than Dec. 10.
Contact Adele Argot at 717-933-4028 or arargot3@verizon.net. Contact the Times News at 800-443-0377 or tneditor@tnonline.com.