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West End news for Oct. 3, 2019

Published October 07. 2019 01:34PM

Plant sale

There will be a plant sale after all Masses Friday and Saturday at Our Lady Queen of Peace Church. These plants are for fall planting.

Candidates coffee

The West End Democratic Association is holding a Coffee with the Candidates event from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Saturday at Cherry’s Restaurant in Kresgeville.

The group also reminds folks that this coming Monday is the last day to register to vote in the general election.

Family Fun Fest

Middlecreek Christian Church on Dorshimer Road in Kresgeville is holding its Family Fun Fest on Saturday from noon to 5 p.m. There will be free games and prizes, food, a bounce house, hayrides and a real firetruck. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

For more information, call 570-629-4066.

Light the Night

The West End Fire Company has shared the information that through Sunday residents have been asked to Light the Night for Fallen Firefighters by displaying red light bulbs or red lights on one’s home or business building/property each night to honor the nation’s fallen firefighters.

A Fallen Firefighter Memorial service is set for 5 p.m. Saturday at the Chestnuthill Township Park in Brodheadsville.

The evening event will feature the American Legion Honor Guard, various speakers from state and local government, including state Rep. Jack Rader and state Sen. Mario Scavello. The United States Honor Flag will be there as will local fire apparatus.

SAL meeting

The Sons of the American Legion are scheduled to meet at 11 a.m. Sunday at the Legion Post Home in Gilbert.

Garden benefit

A variety concert to benefit the West End’s Garden of Giving is being held at First Presbyterian Church in Stroudsburg at 2:30 p.m. Sunday.

Performers include various talented individuals. For admission costs visit

A reception will follow at the Renegade Winery.

Ross Supervisors

The Ross Township Board of Supervisors will meet at 7 p.m. Monday, at the municipal building on Anchorage Road in Saylorsburg.

Life Chain

Members of Our Lady Queen of Peace Church and friends will assemble on the church grounds by the statue of Jesus from 3 to 4 p.m. Sunday in recognition of Life Chain Sunday. They will carry pro-life signs and pray for the protection of all life.

Tournament success

Kelly Kemmerer, Executive Director of Monroe County Habitat for Humanity, has shared that: Thanks to sponsors and golfers the Monroe County Habitat for Humanity‘s 23rd annual golf tournament was able to raise over $16,000. That partnership, she adds, brings Monroe County Habitat for Humanity one step closer to helping every person in Monroe County have a safe, decent place to live.

Art opening

Monroe County Conservation District’s Kettle Creek Environmental Education Center is holding an art opening for Joan Lech’s Wood’s Hidden Treasures from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday.

The artist uses reclaimed wood from nature to create usable items and works of art through woodcarving and wood-turning.

This exhibit will run through Oct. 31.

For more information, call the Kettle Creek Environmental Education Center at 570-629-3061

For more information on other programs offered by MCCD visit the website

Scholarship event

The West End Park and Open Space Commission is holding its Sixth Annual Dave Fleetwood Memorial Trail Run/Walk at the West End Regional Park on 578 Evergreen Hollow Road in Chestnuthill Township on Sunday, beginning at 9 a.m.

The run/walk is open to all ages and abilities and the new Dave Fleetwood Memorial Trail will be available for those wishing a leisurely walk on a firm and stable surface accessible to all wheeled devices.

In addition to the traditional walk/run, added this year is a free children’s Costume Run which is happening first.

The children can dress up as their favorite Superhero or any other character and run a ¼-mile loop. Prizes will be given for Outstanding Costumes.

Awards in the adult portion of the day go to the top two male and female finishers and the top three male/female finishers in each age group.

All proceeds will fund the Dave Fleetwood Memorial Scholarship to recognize Pleasant Valley High School graduates who exemplify the outstanding attributes of Mr. Fleetwood. So far $14,000 has been awarded to deserving Pleasant Valley High School graduates.

Registration made after Sept. 24 is a few dollars higher than before that deadline. One can still register, even on race day.

For additional information, contact Bernie Kozen at 570-992-9733, or Jim Mannello at 570-460-8165,

Holy Communion

McMichaels UMC will celebrate Holy Communion at its 9:30 a.m. worship service on Sunday. A second service is being held at 5 p.m.

Salem UCC, Gilbert, will also be celebrating Holy Communion. The service is at 10 a.m.

A social hour will follow the service.

Pet blessing

Zion Lutheran will hold its Blessing of the Pets at 1 p.m. Sunday, in front of the parish hall. If it rains it will be inside.

All animals and pets are welcome and must be appropriately caged or leashed.

Altar & Rosary

The Altar & Rosary of Our Lady Queen of Peace Church, Gilbert is collecting donations for its annual baby shower benefiting Good Shepherd Maternity House during the month of October.

A cradle will be in the atrium and a table in McCawley Hall. Donations of diapers, bibs/clothing, blankets, baby wipes, bottles and any other small items are to be placed in designated areas. No large items will be accepted for this benefit.

Ross Supervisors

The Ross Township Board of Supervisors will meet at 7 p.m. Monday at the municipal building on Anchorage Road in Saylorsburg.

Eldred Historical

The Eldred Township Historical Society’s Annual Gift Card Bingo will be held Monday at St. Matthew’s Church in Kunkletown. Doors open at noon; bingo starts at 1 p.m. Food will be available.

The October meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. Oct. 16 at the Frantz Schoolhouse on Church Road, opposite Keystone Lane. As there is no heat in the building, please dress accordingly.

The historical society is seeking new members. If anyone is interested in the history of Eldred Township or becoming involved in the restoration of the Old Post Office, come to a meeting.

Knit & Crochet

Zion Lutheran’s Knit & Crochet will meet at 1 p.m. Tuesday. New members are always welcome. Don’t know how to do either: Members will teach the newcomers and supplies will be provided.

Touch of Home

There will be a regular meeting of Operation: Touch of Home at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the American Legion Post Home in Gilbert.

Presidential Gardens

The Monroe County Garden Club will meet at 11:30 a.m. Oct. 9, at the Hughes Library on North Ninth Street/Route 611, Stroudsburg.

The guest speaker will be Jane Kruse, who will present a program on Presidential Gardens.

The Horticulture Theme will be Autumn Mosaic, horticulturist’s choice to display one fall perennial stem, a colorful branch or a colorful fall flowering vine.

One specimen for each clear glass container.

The Design Theme is: Pumpkin Patch. Decorate a pumpkin or gourd with fresh and/or dried materials. Accessories are permitted.

A light luncheon will be served, with a cost for nonmembers. Everyone interested in gardening is invited to attend.

For more information, contact club president Robin Teets or visit the website, and join the group on Facebook

Hoagies ahead

Pocono Old-Tyme Farm Equipment Association is having a hoagie sale, with the first order date being Oct. 10. Hoagies will be made Oct. 16 and delivery is Oct. 17.

Call the club info line at 570-402-7533 or Terry at 570-269-5356 and leave a message.

Historic sites tour

The Ross Township Historical Society will hold its second annual historical sites tour on Oct. 12. It is a free event, a gift to the community and neighboring towns, says Kathryn Villoresi, founder and president of the historical society.

Everyone meets at the former Ross Township Municipal Building at 11 a.m. for instructions and a map. Participants will use their own cars.

Folks can go to all the spots or pick and choose. Those locations on the tour include: Ross Common Property, the Flyte School, cemeteries on Old Route 115, Bruno Apple Ridge Farm and Mount Eaton Church. There is no specific order. Each presenter will give a tour every half-hour starting at 11:30 a.m. with the last tour at 2 p.m. Participants return to the township building by 3 p.m. for refreshments, the opportunity to look at the museum items, and to be entered in the door prize drawing, which is a Cracker Barrel gift card.

For more information, call Kathryn at 570-992-6151, email the society at or visit

Harvest Festival

Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm is preparing for its annual Harvest Festival coming Oct. 12 and 13. There is apple peeling, sausage patty and pie making, as well as everlastings happening late next week.

The festival will run from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days. There is an admission cost.

This year’s theme is: Farms-Center of the Community. There will be many activities including apple butter making, bake oven, candle making, and many other interesting activities or displays.

For more information, call 570-992-6161 or go to

Purse bingo

The Western Pocono Memorial Park Committee is hosting a Coach, Kate Spade & Vera Bradley Bingo on Nov. 3 at the West End Fire Company on Route 715 in Brodheadsville. Doors open at noon and bingo starts at 1 p.m.

Refreshments such as turkey barbecue, hot dogs, pulled pork, pierogis, homemade soup, baked goods and drinks will be available. For tickets or information, call 610-381-2076 or 570-992-2629. All proceeds to benefit the Western Pocono Memorial Park in Kunkletown on Molasses Valley Road.

It has two softball fields, all-purpose field, basketball court, walking trail, playground and picnic pavilion. The next phase of improvements includes upgrading the playground, continuing construction of walking trail and continued regular maintenance of the grounds, building and equipment.

Bog walks

Monroe County Conservation District’s Kettle Creek Environmental Education Center guided weekly Tannersville Bog walks will only continue through Nov. 6.

The walks begin at 1 p.m. and are guided by an Environmental Educator from the Center who will teach participants about the bog. It is a unique boreal bog for the area and is owned by the Nature Conservancy. The bog is filled with bird songs and interesting insect-eating plants.

There is a fee and one must preregister.

Call the center at 570-629-3061, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and some Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Contact Adele Argot at 717-933-4028 or Contact the Times News at 800-443-0377 or

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