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West End news for Sept. 26

Published September 27. 2017 12:52PM

Banned Books Week

Today at 6:30 p.m., Western Pocono Community Library will be holding a banned-book discussion. The book is “The Glass Castle” by Jeanette Walls.

Contact the library for more information at 570-992-7934.

Altar & Rosary

The next meeting of the Altar & Rosary of Our Lady Queen of Peace will be will be held at 6:30 p.m. today in the Café.

Stitching time

Eldred Township’s Community Center will have quilting and sewing from 11 4 p.m. Thursday.

Democrats meet

The West End Democratic Association will hold its first fall meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday at the firehouse on Route 715 in Brodheadsville

All area Democrats are welcome to attend and to discuss upcoming elections, as well as learn about current issues of interest to the party.

It is again time to designate a nominating committee for the election of officers in October. At least four volunteers are needed to perform this task, association President Julia Carter said.

CJERP meeting

The Chestnuthill-Jackson-Eldred-Ross-Polk Comprehensive meeting will be taking place at 7 p.m. Thursday at the Chestnuthill Township municipal building in Brodheadsville.

School board

The Pleasant Valley School District Board of Education will meet in public session at 8 p.m. Thursday at the Administrative Center in Brodheadsville.


Approximately 25 youth and six leaders will be attending a lock-in at Effort UMC from Saturday through Sunday. This lock-in is a mini-retreat for the church youth. Jay Trainer is guest leader.

The program is titled REVIVE. Its purpose is for the attendees to spend time being in touch with the Lord as they have fun in fellowship with one another sharing stories, playing games, singing songs, breaking bread and worship.

Church flea market

St. Peter’s United Methodist Church, 924 Route 115, Saylorsburg, is having its autumn flea market Saturday. People can donate items to the church sale or rent a space as a vendor and make some extra cash.

The flea market is scheduled from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The rain date is Oct. 14. St. Peter’s parking lot and lawn are highly visible from Route 115 in Saylorsburg. The church kitchen will be open, selling lunch and sweet treats at the refreshment table.

For additional vendor information, call 570-992-6930.

Will writing

Effort UMC is hosting a seminar on some “how-tos” on will writing from 9:30 a.m. to noon Saturday. Attorney Jack Rule will be there to speak with participants.

To see if there is still room to participate in this free event, call the church at 570-629-1890.

Touch of Home

A dinner and comedy show fundraiser is on the agenda for Operation Touch of Home on Saturday at the Polk Township Volunteer Fire Company fire hall.

The schedule includes dinner at 5 p.m.; the comedy show is at 7 p.m.

Donations of baked goods for the evening’s baked goods auction are being solicited.

Contact Tammy Gower for ticket costs and other information at 570-236-9695.

For more information about Operation Touch of Home, and for donation information, visit

Tickets are free for veterans who have served in Iraq or Afghanistan and one guest. Call for complimentary tickets. There will be a 50/50 drawing, a comedy bake sale raffle, great dinner and lots of laughs.

Artists Brad Lowery, Mike Stankiewicz and Scott Bruce will entertain.

Attendees are asked to bring nonperishable items for the troops.

Proceeds go to Operation: Touch of Home to support the fall drive for the troops.

Fleetwood 5K

The West End Park and Open Space Commission is holding the Fourth Annual Dave Fleetwood Memorial Trail Run/Walk at the West End Regional Park on 578 Evergreen Hollow Road in Chestnuthill Township on Sunday, beginning at 9 a.m.

All proceeds will fund the Dave Fleetwood Memorial Scholarship to recognize Pleasant Valley High School graduates who exemplify the outstanding attributes of Mr. Fleetwood.

Register at Trail Run or forms are available at the Chestnuthill Park, Ross and Chestnuthill Township buildings and area businesses. Complete the form, make entry payment to Friends of WEPOSC and mail to P.O. Box 276, Saylorsburg, PA 18353.

For additional information, contact Bernie Kozen at 570-992-9733, or Jim Mannello at 570-460-8165,

Pet blessing

Our Lady Queen of Peace will have a pet blessing at 10 a.m. Saturday. People and pets, properly caged, on leash, etc., are welcome to the come to the Jesus statue in front of the church.

Plant sale

Our Lady Queen of Peace Church youth group is sponsoring a fall plant sale after Mass on Saturday and Sunday.

St. Matthew’s

St. Matthew’s UCC in Kunkletown will celebrate Holy Communion at its traditional service at 9 a.m. Sunday.

Country Gospel worship, known as the Family Table, and featuring a band of local musicians, is at noon Oct. 8. Family Table occurs the second Sunday of each month at noon.

Sunday school meets from 10:30-11:30 a.m. weekly. There are preschool (ages 2-5), elementary (ages 6-9), tween (fifth and sixth grade), and adult (includes teens who have been confirmed) classes. Join anytime for a Bible lesson, discussion, activities and games, music, and visual aids.

The nursery, for infants and children up to age 5, is available during 9 a.m. worship each week and during the Family Table service on the second Sunday at noon. It is staffed with two volunteers, who are CPR-certified.

Zumba FUNdraiser

St. Matthew’s UCC Christian Education program is hosting a Zumba FUNdraiser on Sunday. Doors open at 12:30 p.m.

Licensed Zumba instructor Lorin Schappert will lead the dance fitness class from 1 to 2:30 p.m. Granola bars, baked goods and beverages will be for sale. For costs, contact Staci at or 610-283-4696.

Life Chain

Sunday is Respect Life Sunday. Our Lady Queen of Peace Church in Brodheadsville will create a parish Life Chain, gathering between 2:30 and 3 p.m. in the cafe for light refreshments, fellowship and instructions.

At 3 p.m. participants will form the Life Chain by Route 209 to pray the Rosary and witness for all those who suffer because of abortion.


GriefShare is a grief recovery support group where one can find help and healing for the hurt of losing a loved one.

St. Peter’s UMC, Saylorsburg, will offer a support group beginning this Sunday, for 13 weeks and going through the major holidays and culminating on Jan. 7, 2018. Each session runs from 4 to 6:15 p.m.

The program seeks to provide encouragement and support to those who have lost a loved one and need reassurance that they can move on with their own lives while preserving memories. A certified counselor will lead the group.

There is a materials fee. Preregistration is needed to provide a small group setting. Call 570-992-7311 for preregistration and information. Encourage friends who have had a loss to attend to begin the healing process.

Contact Adele Argot at 717-933-4028 or Contact the Times News at 800-443-0377 or

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