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West Penn against police regionalization proposal

Published February 23. 2018 10:43PM

It doesn’t appear as if a police regionalization will be taking place any time soon in West Penn Township.

Board of supervisors’ Chairman Tony Prudenti mentioned at Tuesday morning’s board meeting that the township received the state’s letter of intent to explore the regionalization of a police department.

Doing so would create a regional police department between West Penn Township and Tamaqua Borough, according to the letter of intent.

Both West Penn and Tamaqua would have to approve a motion at a public meeting in which they would submit a letter of intent to the Governor’s Center for Local Government Services to explore the possibility of creating a regional police department between the two municipalities.

Supervisor Timothy Houser said he was against the measure.

“I have severe reservations about a regional police department,” said Houser, who cited the heavy costs such a move would bring about.

Supervisor Ted Bogosh agreed, and added that the township would end up paying “an astronomical expense that we really cannot afford.”

After the meeting, Prudenti said the matter was originally brought forth by Tamaqua.

“Public safety had contacted me and asked whether we could have a sit down and have a little informal talk about it,” Prudenti said. “We went and met with them.”

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