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Published March 05. 2020 12:56PM

West Penn Township supervisors took the following action on Monday:

• Agreed to enter into a finance lease with Mauch Chunk Trust for two 2020 Chevy Silverado police trucks, and to authorize board Chairman Tony Prudenti to sign all associated documents.

• Accepted a $100 donation from resident Ted Rosen as a token of his appreciation for the help of the township’s sewage enforcement officer.

• Adopted a resolution to grant conditional approval of the Sharpless final minor subdivision.

• Approved the Graver’s stormwater management agreement and declaration of easement.

• Agreed to grant PPL a right of way to put electric in the J.E. Morgan Memorial Park.

• Approved an Energy Agreement with Tri-Eagle Energy for a term of 24 months starting in April 2020.

• Instructed the township solicitor and engineer to review and revise as needed the fee schedule, and to establish a fee for a property maintenance appeal.

• Agreed to change the township complaint form to a suggestion/concern form.

— Terry Ahner

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