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Published July 20. 2019 06:14AM

West Penn Township supervisors took the following action Monday morning:

• Discussed the potential installation of solar panels that would be located directly behind the township municipal building in an attempt to save money on electric costs.

• Agreed to send a letter to the state Department of Transportation requesting that they move the road direction sign near the St. Luke’s on Route 895 back by 100 feet because it’s too close to the helipad.

• On a 2-1 vote, with board Chairman Tony Prudenti opposed, agreed to have the Bartasavage property inspected. They did a subdivision a couple of years ago and requested to have their escrow released if there were any funds left. The township reviewed the file and found that there was an escrow, but that the escrow was held until inspections of what they needed to comply with was done.

• Announced that a sewage meeting on the malfunctioning Andreas sewer system will be held at 5:30 p.m. Aug. 5 before the township’s regular board meeting at 7 p.m.

— Terry Ahner

If you think installing solar panels is going to save you money on electric costs, I have a bridge to sell you Brooklyn.

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