Where is civility?
The compassionate ones who created laws against “hate speech,” the ones who said there is no room for “bullies” in our schools, have now turned to “hate speech” and “bullying” as a day-to-day activity … all in the name of “civility.”
These same people, Democrats, who were so concerned about the well-being of babies at the border, are now concerned that a Supreme Court appointee could threaten the practice of easily and conveniently killing babies in the womb. The Democrats continue to trip over themselves as hypocrisy thrives on the “left.”
The national motto “In God we trust” must not apply to the left. WOW!
Mike Meyers
#1 A president who insults, berates and defames anyone connected with the Democratic Party.
#2 A president who makes fun of the handicapped & treats women like animals.
#3 A Republican majority who supports the president's ignorance and cro_magnon views.
#4 A conservative constituency who supports the same, plus harasses and physically assaults those who simply have an apposing view. Using names like, Libtard, commy, and fag!
Get your head out of your posterior and face the facts! You and those you support are the "uncivil"! When people get fed up and start fighting back against you and your's for your ignorance, name calling and assaults you find it "uncivil"! Laughable!!!
Remember the slogan, "F#@K Your Feelings" by trump supporters during the campaign?
Of course you don't!!! The Typical revisionist, selective memories of the trump conservative!
Republican Whiners... you're all tough as chuck steak until you're called to the mat!
But this letter is about hypocrisy. You know... kill the babies... no... wait... save the babies, and then kill the babies.
As for examples of the coarse rhetoric being used on the left? Well dear friend, this paper wouldn't print it, as my lips won't repeat it. Evil thrives on the left. It time to MAGA
Enough's enough.