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Where we live: Baby education, round 2

Published September 15. 2018 07:08AM

Over the past eight months, my family’s world has transformed into all things baby again.

Our daughter, Jordan Grace, was born at 10:38 p.m. Dec. 26, and since then we have gotten back on the roller coaster ride of our lives.

This little girl is feisty and sweet, and apparently impatient like her mother since she arrived one month before her Jan. 24 due date.

I also think she heard her brother’s excitement of having a playmate since the moment we told him he was having a baby sister. He kept asking, “How many sleeps until she gets here?”

My response was always, “After Christmas.”

I didn’t think that meant the day after Christmas, but it seems she just wanted to be a Christmas baby.

Like her big brother, Jordan has tested our limits, from breathing and feeding challenges due to being a preemie to her belief that 1, 2 and 3 a.m. are good times to be awake and crying. Overall though, every minute has been worth it.

Instead of our usual routines that we had settled into when we were a family of three, daily life as a family of four now includes a lot of talking and babbling from both brother and sister, as well as a lot of planning on mommy and daddy’s parts to make sure everything gets done and everyone gets where they need to be.

It’s amazing to see the bond that these two have already, and I hope it continues as Jordan becomes mobile and can steal Logan’s things.

So what have I learned since becoming a two-time mom?

• The wheels on the bus still go round and round … and round and round … and round and round.

• Those darn little monkeys haven’t learned yet and keep jumping on the bed, even after one falls off and bops his head.

• Jordan loves to listen to Logan sing and will immediately stop crying when he starts.

• Old McDonald isn’t just a song about a farmer with a lot of animals anymore. It’s now the new McDonald’s restaurant, according to Logan.

• Mary’s little lamb, whose fleece was white as snow, has found its way into my daughter’s heart now. That song was one of Logan’s favorites when trying to go to sleep, and it has now become one of Jordan’s favorites as well.

• The first rule of kindergarten is apparently not to talk about what you do in kindergarten since Logan won’t tell us anything after his school day.

• Mobiles don’t play the songs long enough. No matter how much you wind them.

• I still prefer Pampers over Huggies or Luvs. Don’t know why, just do.

• No matter what Bob and I do to protect these two kids, I am still going to worry about EVERYTHING! I think that comes with being a mom.

• Logan and Jordan are growing up way too quickly. Logan now goes to kindergarten and Jordan is mastering her milestones and loves to laugh and eat. (I wish she would start loving sleep though!)

• I have an addiction to buying clothes — girlie baby clothes that is. Thankfully Bob keeps my spending on clothes for Jordan in check or we would be in trouble because those little outfits are so cute!

• And most importantly, family really is everything. I want to personally thank our parents and extended family for being such a big part in our life. Without their help, I don’t know what we would do.

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