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Where we live: End of summer blues

Published September 28. 2019 06:40AM

All right, I’ll admit it.

I’ve got the summertime blues.

No, I’m not depressed, nor have I been diagnosed with Seasonal Affective Disorder.

It’s just that this past Monday ushered in the official start of autumn, and with it we bid adieu to summer.

Soon to be gone is the warmer weather, longer days, and time spent outdoors doing summer like activities.

While the departure of summer may have been met with a fond farewell by many, it’s been met with rebellike resistance by me.

Quite honestly, for someone who enjoys summer as much as I, it’s a bittersweet pill to swallow.

That’s because I’ve always had an affinity for the summertime that dates back to my childhood.

As a kid, I was always fascinated by the prospects of being off from school for several months.

Same method applied as a college student who longed for spring break.

Full disclosure: I’ve always held a bit of a grudge against September.

In certain respects, still do to this day, though on a rather lighthearted scale.

So, excuse me as I take a moment to wallow in self-pity while others bask in their glory.

OK, my time for wallowing is over now that I’ve come across a blog online at, which lists a bunch of budget-friendly fall activities to partake in.

Of the 15 activities listed, those that would appeal to me most include having a picnic, checking out local festivals, going to a football game and visiting a haunted house.

Though all neat ventures in their own right, most just aren’t enough to make me want to trade in my shorts, tank tops and flip-flops for jeans, flannels and boots any time soon.

Don’t get me wrong: Fall is cool and all.

It’s just not as hip as the season that predates it.

RIP summertime.

See you again on June 20, 2020.

I’ll be waiting with bells on.

And a piece of watermelon in hand.

Along with a pair of sunglasses shading my eyes.

Complete with a beach towel draped over my shoulder.

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