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Where We Live: Linden tree has special history

Published August 24. 2019 06:45AM

By Mary Tobia

Excuse me while I go sit under my linden.

When we purchased our small summer home in my hometown in South Dakota five years ago, I started getting compliments about the big tree that sits in our front yard. It is very tall and shades our house beautifully in the summer. I never took a close look at it until this year. I was so surprised and delighted to see that each leaf is shaped like a heart.

This tree has a rich heritage in astrology, legends and folklore. It is also known as a lime, tilia or a basswood tree. It originates from Europe as far back as 1752.

It is known for its pleasing shape, dense canopy and super fragrant flowers in June and July. The flowers have a strong sweet smell, like honeysuckle, jasmine and grass. The linden tree flowers and pollen can congregate bees, which in return can produce a very pale and richly flavored honey. The flowers are also used for herbal teas and medicine practices.

The life span of this tree is a few hundred years old, but some were found to live 1,000 years. It is said that the Vikings and Germanic tribes used the wood of the linden tree to make their shields.

In China the tree is named the tree of forgetfulness, because its energy is soft, gentle and it the offers the sensation of warmth and peace.

According to Greek legends it is the symbol of love, innocence and kindness. The perfume of the linden flowers became known in Greek mythology as the sacred tree of Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty.

The linden tree is the national tree of the Czech of Republic. Old Slavic mythology considered it a sacred tree. Even called it the Holy Lime, a very old and knowledgeable tree. It is a symbol of love, fertility, prosperity, fidelity, friendship, peace, justice and good luck.

Some folklore belief reads that a linden tree planted in front of your house protects the home. it is a symbol of peace, good luck, healing and a happy life.

Legend says it is not good to cut down a linden tree because it will bring bad luck to the one who cuts it.

What makes my tree so special is the family history that surrounds our linden.

This house we are living in was owned by my grandparents many years ago. They were of from the Czech Republic. When they moved from the farm into this home, my grandfather planted the little sapling in the front yard. This took place in 1975, making our tree about 44 years old, so it has a ways to go to see 100. I am sure my grandfather picked this special tree because it was symbolic of his Bohemian roots.

In my research, I came across another little detail that was interesting. I was born under the Celtic Tree Zodiac Sign of the lime or linden tree. If your birthday falls between March 13-March 20, you too are under the same tree sign. The Celtic Zodiac is an ancient system of astrology.

With all the family history and folklore surrounding our tree, I can’t help but look up at it as I enjoy my summer afternoon coffee and let my thoughts ramble on. I feel a bit nostalgic as I look at its heart-shaped leaves, just knowing my grandfather planted it so many years ago and now I am still enjoying its beauty today.

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