Where we live: Raising points of light
I’m sitting in the waiting room of an Allentown hospital, chatting with my daughter, her beloved and my granddaughter-in-law’s parents as we happily await the birth of our newest family member.
Cole S. Noecker comes into the world cherished by his extended family: big sister Ellie, his mommy and daddy, grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts, uncles, great-aunts and uncles, and cousins.
Calm and alert, Cole returns his mommy’s and daddy’s gazes; his tiny lips seem to form a smile.
Giddy with delight, we snap photos and exclaim over this perfect little human being.
Cole’s parents have the love and support of our large, close family. They are once again prepared to be good parents. Both are educated, employed, mature, stable and healthy.
That’s a good environment in which to raise a secure, happy and thriving child.
It takes courage to bring a new life into this uncertain world. Our days tremble with the threat of war, rampant corruption, arrogance, hostility and greed.
Cole and Ellie are being raised to be points of light in a dark world.
They are surrounded by loving adults who are keenly aware the little ones are absorbing everything they say and do.
These first role models are teaching Cole and Ellie through example to be honest, humble, caring, empathetic, respectful and responsible.
These children will learn to find humor in everyday life, to work hard to overcome adversity, to appreciate the simple things, and to be grateful for their blessings.
As we adults teach them, Cole and Ellie will teach us, reminding us of innocence and the sheer joy of living.
This precious new life is a sign that we should continue to fight for all that is good, fair and kind, and to have faith in that future we create.