Wolf wants gift ban, no pay for officials in budget standoff
HARRISBURG (AP) — Pennsylvania’s governor wants to ban gifts to all elected state officials and to suspend pay for himself, lawmakers and their top aides when they have not fully enacted a budget by the annual deadline.
Gov. Tom Wolf, a first-term Democrat seeking re-election, will outline a government reform proposal on Monday that also includes better campaign finance disclosure and a requirement that lawmakers provide receipts when seeking reimbursement for expenses.
Wolf stopped the practice of accepting gifts among people under his authority when he took office three years ago, but that does not apply to state legislators and other elected state officials.
The governor wants limits on political campaign contributions and disclosure of donations made by people seeking government contracts.
Budget negotiations between Wolf and the Republican-controlled Legislature have been agonizing for the past three years, with none being completed on time and two of the three years wrapping up months late.
Wolf, a wealthy businessman, donates his salary to charity.
His new proposal would freeze pay until a complete budget is passed.
Wolf also wants public officials to make public the source and type of any outside income, and the total amount.