Worried about the future
In response to the excellent letter from Tim Kelly, yes, we need term limits, exactly as he has outlined. Especially eight-year presidential and governor. Also, I’ve often mentioned conversations that if we, the people, did not have to pay for extravagant expenses, pensions and health care for the politicians, our national checkbook would have a better running balance! Oh and don’t forget, they should also have Social Security/Medicare withheld from their paychecks! Yes, they’re all fighting like spoiled brats to keep their cushy jobs, as Mr. Kelly put it.
In response to the letter from Craig Shide, yes the small things and the unsung heroes often fall by the wayside, because our “news media” and politicians are more interested in the scandalous gossip that may even go back 36 years, in order to keep them in the news and try to make us forget about electing and confirming responsible people to lead and save our great nation.
So, now I’ll go on with a bit of my own worry for our nation and our families. Everyone has gotten so used to carry out, take out, order in, etc., that I wonder how many young women/mothers actually understand how to cook, or use a stove or an oven? What will they do, if and when, the great power grid gives out and they don’t know how to prepare healthy meals and food from scratch?
Yes, these are some of the things I worry about for our future generations, as I suspect I am too old for it to matter, and yes, I still know how to cook and bake from scratch.
So now, on these thoughts of gloomy futures, I’ll close and wish you all a better future than I foresee.
Ruthann Schlecht
If you are old, bless you, for you are the best resource for the younger generation. We need to establish relationships with the younger ones, and then, once we have shown love, we can begin to teach, through what they see in our lives.
As for survival? The educators have that covered.
"Yale Law students stage sit-in to demand Kavanaugh investigation"
They tell them lies, pump them up, and turn them loose to protest, rant, and intimidate (Bully) through demonstrating. These skills can be used to loot as well, meaning, they'll just take what they need. Our approach is in love, the worlds approach is at times through hate. Love wins all the time.
God Bless
Our military spending will prevent attacks, and the wall will keep out drugs and riff raff.
Don't fret! VOTE! Get people like Bob Casey packing.