Lactose intolerant? What are the risks of osteopor... Lactose intolerant? What are the risks of osteopor... ...
Q. I'm a 64-year-old woman who is lactose intolerant. Do you think this will put me at risk for osteoporosis?
Is an annual physical really necessary?... Is an annual physical really necessary?... ...
Q. Do you think an annual physical is really necessary?
Are you at risk for a heart attack?... Are you at risk for a heart attack?... ...
Q. In your column, I've read lots of tips for taking care of your heart. They all sound good, but what do they really do to extend your life?
The happier gender?... The happier gender?... ...
Q. Are women happier than men?
Get vaccinated to combat flu bug... Get vaccinated to combat flu bug... ...
Flu season in the northern hemisphere can range from as early as November to as late as May. The peak month usually is February.
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