Why are we so unhappy?... Why are we so unhappy?... ...
I think that most people today are, unfortunately, very negative and downright unhappy and it seems few individuals have anything positive to say a
I think that most people today are, unfortunately, very negative and downright unhappy and it seems few individuals have anything positive to say a
A New Year's Eve tradition is ...(no, I'm not going to talk about resolutions, that's too depressing), the Kiss.
I hope everyone has had a very Happy New Year with friends and family. Welcome to 2013, and all the hopes and joys it has to bring to you.
For flintlock muzzleloader and late-season archery hunters, one of the all-too-often overlooked areas to hunt is Pennsylvania State Parks.
Q. What exactly is a floater that you see in your eye?
We'll never know the reason why a near-genius 20-year-old would invade an elementary school with an assault rifle and slaughter 20 innocent childre
He stood listening to the salesman. I heard him ask several questions of his own.
In this, the season of gift giving, you probably received at least one gift.
Maybe you were given a lot of gifts.
The U.S. government and the media are at it again. The alleged "Fiscal Cliff" is constantly being talked about these days.
In a couple days we will say goodbye to 2012 and I am more than OK with that.
By Bob urban
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