Lehighton scribe took shots at the Tamaqua lifesty... Lehighton scribe took shots at the Tamaqua lifesty... ...
By jim zbick
By jim zbick
(This is the second of two columns on shoulder problems.)
When I looked at the calendar to check the date of an upcoming interview, I was startled to see my birthday was less than a week away.
Everyone over 40 should have a pretty easy time at this exam. If you are under 40 you can claim a handicap.
Family members are calling it an "act of profound love."
By Jim Zbick
If you watched the news recently, you probably noticed that some government employees have been pushing for some very radical regulations.
Last week I wrote up the famous Oracle of Delphi in Greece and ended my column with a little quiz regarding different methods for making prediction
I was blessed with good health all my life until a medical emergency put me in the hospital for over a week, recently.
Some of Linda's Purse facts:
*Purse Fact #1-Sometimes you CAN have a purse that's too big.
Q. You can settle a bet for me. Who gets shoulder problems more often, athletes or seniors?
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