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Consider the future

Published September 04. 2019 12:58PM

We live in very exciting times. In five years, the goal is to return humans to the moon to establish both orbital and surface bases for research, and in 10 to 20 years time, putting humans on Mars to colonize that world. It truly is amazing, and it’s thanks to the incredible engineering and work of both government agencies like NASA and the European Space Agency, and the private efforts of companies such as SpaceX and Blue Origins and Boeing.

But, we still live in perilous times as well. Humanity will soon pass 7 billion people, and counting. We are relying on less and less farmland globally to feed more and more people, lest we forget the declining animal populations we rely on as well, such as the never-complacent honeybee.

And then there is the huge problem of landfills. Landfills do not break down rubbish. In fact, it’s been said that landfills are merely storage facilities for things such as plastics that can take 1,000 years to break down into smaller pieces, but plastic never fully decomposes. Your $1 soda that you purchase for a temporary pleasure will be a near-eternal decision. What sort of world are we leaving behind as we prepare to launch to other worlds? We are quickly leaving a landfill-filled place, overcrowded, with precious little land for farming and animal populations in jeopardy.

It’s way beyond time to smarten up, and this isn’t something that will change overnight. So can I ask, as we look toward the future, to consider our actions for the present? Reduce waste, reuse items and recycle a bit more? I fell in love with composting and personally reduced my weekly curbside trash from three bags to one. I would love to see that one bag be cut in half as well. We are all in this together! No green new deal needed, just cooperation and consideration for the future.

Tony Frantz


Good letter Tony. It would be nice to see unity, even if it's on trash. We tear up the pasture to erect a warehouse to be filled with disposable junk predestined for the landfill. The ChiComs smile.
As you know, I've got many children and even more grandchildren to consider.
Hey, there's always space in space (landfills)
The so called, "Greatest Generation", never considered us when they polluted the planet, sucked the taxpayers dry with their GI bills, and their grand assault on social security. The "Greatest Leaches" is more like it. To hell with the litters of trumptards being unleashed on our country. Let them clean up the mess their ignorant parents are making of America. I don't owe these pigs a future.
With respect Trumping... Where are you coming from? I mean, your not a baby boomer or gen-xer your not a Republican, not sure your a Democrat either? Your one angry person who's been burned, but by who? I'm just trying to know, that's all.
The authentic “Greatest Generation” grew up in the throws of the Depression. Not a single individual was given anything. Along came WWII as they barely reached adolescence. This amazing group stood in line for weeks after Pearl Harbor was attacked, all in order to save the world. They left home, and all of the comforts of it to attempt the noble act of saving the world. This was a daunting task since the world was entirely enflamed. The Greatest Generation succeeded, and we stand here today as evidence of their success. They came home, and continued their education under the wonderful GI Bill which has been proven to have been beneficial to America. What a small price to pay for the many sacrifices these individuals made. T2C, you are a nut job. Ask your parents about this before you embarrass yourself on public display. If you see a WWII veteran thank them for what they did to save the world. I will never forget about them or their deeds.
Very nice letter Tony. As a small bit of encouragement, today I was waiting for my wife outside of a supermarket. I noticed 11 people out of 15 that entered the store brought in their own bags. Once in a while I am that guy that forgets the reusable bags. People are doing the right thing nowadays. Keep those reusable bags in your car. A small change in your mindset will help a lot.
The Democrats townhall meeting last night was in line with this. Kamala will ban fracking, straws, ans cheeseburgers, based on... nothing! Biden will end PA Coal (18,000 PA Jobs), and advocate for those with bloody eyes.
These Democrats have Climate Change as number one, the American people have it at #5.
Out of touch, and coming after Pennsylvania Coal, just like Obama did. Wake up PA, stock up on cheese, straws, and coal... or vote Trump 2020
Mars would never be in the goals had Hillary been elected, the writer understands that, I am sure.
Straws are a real problem and I can’t fathom why it would be a sacred cow to anyone. Fortunately many restaurants are switching to paper without a law because some people actually do care about the creation God gave us. Coal jobs will be replaced and we better decrease our beef consumption or we will never impact climate change.
Straws are not a problem Joe. Are straws a greater challenge than winning WWII? You need to develop some intellectual honesty. The elimination of plastic straws is a liberal feel good measure. That is all. Coal will be King for a thousand more years, Joe. Climate Change is a hoax. Keep it up.
Straws are a significant part of the plastic waste issues. You already acknowledges plastic waste is an issue, why backtrack on straws? Why is it a sacred cow?
China is directly responsible for 1/3 of all of the plastic refuse in the seas. What are all of the Democratic Presidential Candidates doing to reduce the China/India contribution to world pollution? Nothing is the answer. How many straws do you discard in a day, Joe? Straws are a minuscule contributor to world pollution. I do not discard plastic straws. Straws are not a sacred cow to me, they are a cow patty. Banning plastic straws is only a liberal feel good measure. You hate President Trump so much Joe, you can’t even spell right, “you already acknowledges plastic...” watch that autocorrect Joe! It is not your fault...even though you are a libertarian genius.
I’m sure all of them see China waste as an issue but they can’t do anything until they are in office.half a billion straws are used daily, it’s an issue. Don’t let partisanship get in the way of positive developments.
T2C/diggerout expelled for rude posts. Here we go with punk like vulgar insults. The whole community sees your posts that reflect directly upon you. Clean up your dirty act. You are the one with the dirty a**. Keep wiping!
Threats from the plastic straw? What? Based on what science? Look folks, the Democrats have no policy worth mentioning. It's very evident that they hate Pennsylvania, but that's always been. You see, America Starts Here, and they hate America.
The real threats?
National Cybersecurity, HVEs [home-grown violent extremists], foreign terrorist groups, Attacks on our founding (Constitution, Bill of Rights, etc).
I Don't Get It!
Throw the whole group to the compost pile, they already stink of rot.
I find it amusing how Democrats concern with preserving the planet for the next generation, and then support killing off the next generation in the ungodly abortion.
Progressives will petition to save the whales, all the while, support killing babies.
So your a Democrat. Your racist/sexist comment confirms that.
I agree however, that we have much more important things to do here first.
You have a nice day Country Girl.
“Stupid white men.” CG, this is a revealing comment that frames you in a very bad light. Who is the racist now? I remember you accusing attendees of a Trump Rally of being racists. Please, never make the mistake in thinking you are better than someone with a different opinion than you. Be better next time.
The merits of space exploration are debatable. I am a proponent of space exploration. If you ever used a microwave oven or Velcro you are a beneficiary of the money invested in space exploration. There are thousands of indirect benefits that make space exploration worthwhile. Returning to the moon, or traveling to Mars is money well spent. CG, I am not sure how or why you hate white men, but, then you go on to, in some bizarre manner to tell us what white men think.
Hmmmm, relying on government to do the R&D for new products? There’s a word for that: communism.

We don’t need tax dollars spent to have industry innovation.
Come on Joe. Often, through history the government takes on the R&D for expensive things. The first thing that stands out to me is the tremendous national undertaking of the Lunar Landing by President Kennedy. Those tax dollars were well spent as they unified the country and created “industry innovation”, as you say. By the way, America was in a race with Russia (Communism) at the time. America’s victory made Communism look bad, just as I just made you look bad here by proving you wrong.
You were talking about justifying billions to discover the next microwave. I suppose Apollo was valuable on a national pride level but we do not have the same dynamics today. Go to mars but private industry can drive it.
Careful Joe, “...Doctorate (sp) is BS”. Blame it on autocorrect, right? I spent over $90k for my Doctorate. That is why I always capitalize the “D” in Doctorate. Your obvious hatred of Trump has created unhealthy consequences for you. Your spelling has degraded. Too bad...for you. Raise your standards to the level you expect of Trump.
CG, you have every right to hate research and science. I have every right to support it. Books have been written about the thousands of ways that space exploration has benefited society. If you wish to rebuke that...fine. Computers, insulation, metals technology and telemetry are just a few things derived from our wonderful space program. I am going to kindly overlook your “education in science” bravado...for the sake of not embarrassing you. You seem to indicate that those who disagree with you are stupid. That is an unfortunate mistake...for you. Please don’t be petty. That often backfires. You removed your post with your observation of all of the racists attending a Trump Rally in the crowd. Perhaps, your science mind is not as sharp as you believe. That would explain the “stupid white men” reference. It very well might have been a book. If that was your intent, you should have referred to it in your post. You didn’t do that at all. People of average levels of education are well aware of the procedures for referencing sources. Smart people, with heavy science emphasis, like you, that read books, like you, should know this. Lastly, Rambo is my dogs name. He is a beautiful black German Shepherd. You would like him. He can’t use “white male privilege”, has never been to a “racist Trump Rally”, and he agrees that you “have had more education in science”...than him. Now, don’t get mad and remove your post out of embarrassment. Keep it up.
Antifa is a cowardly criminal organization that hurts civilians on a regular basis, all under cover of masks. Steyer & Soros fund these terrible criminal enterprises. Go on YouTube if you want to see what these filthy terrorists do, if you have any doubt. These punks use bats to beat citizens. They block traffic and paralyze cities. If an ambulance is blocked with a hurt patient aboard...all the better. Antifa is a filthy organization that makes the Hells Angels look like choir boys. Antifa should be infiltrated, researched, revealed & destroyed. CNN & MSNBC encourage this garbage.
CG, how does Antifa make this world a better place by opposing white supremacy? Is it by paralyzing cities with riots? Is it by beating citizens and smashing windows? Is it by threatening police and throwing bricks at them? I fully oppose white supremacy and Antifa, as does President Trump. I am respectful to everyone. You have a chip on your shoulder toward men that you misinterpret as “male superiority” with every interaction. At the same time you say incredulous things that reveal your bigotry and condescension. President Trump denounced the Charlottesville “episode” about a dozen times. VP Biden launched his Presidential campaign on this fake outrage. You overlook Trump’s continued denouncement so many times you are complicit in denial too. Check it out on YouTube.
There are many tribes within the left side of this. They think their allies, based only on the common enemy (Trump). The enemy of my enemy is my friend. CG and a few others here, are part of a tribe in that left side community, but one day, the tribes will be at each other. For instance, the LGBT... what ever. The L really hates men, so the G will eventually be an enemy of the L. The homosexual tribe will be thrown off roofs by the radical Islamists. There's no absolute truth in that left community you see. The commonality? take out Trump... they live for that.
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