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Walnutport continues discussion on where alcohol should be permitted

Published September 14. 2019 06:50AM

Walnutport hasn’t closed the book entirely on the possibility of alcohol being sold at events in the borough.

But, Mayor Wayne Weidner said an alcohol permit and insurance waiver are needed.

That way, the insurance liability wouldn’t fall on the borough, Weidner said during a brief discussion on the matter at Thursday’s borough council meeting.

The issue of where alcohol should be permitted in the borough had previously come up at both last month’s and July’s council meetings.

At the July meeting, the question was asked if there would be police coverage for the second annual Northern Lehigh Recreation Authority’s Everything Outdoors Food Truck Festival held that month.

Jeanne Boehrer, president of the Walnutport Canal Association, questioned how they were able to have alcohol permitted for their event when the canal association was told alcohol was not permitted.

Boehrer said the canal association previously lost four to five rentals at its pavilion this year because it wasn’t allowed to have alcohol at the pavilion.

Weidner had made an exception for alcohol to be sold at the food truck festival.

Councilwoman Patrice Hunsicker said the point of having alcohol at the food truck festival was to add to the revenue for the recreation authority.

The festival was held July 27 in the borough park on Lincoln Avenue, and borough officials touted it as a huge success.

Last month, borough secretary Annette Lacko said that the insurance company advised against alcohol being permitted.

Boehrer then questioned what happens if someone asks for an exception.

Weidner said an exception could be made for a special event, if a permit is secured that day.

He said he has no problem with the idea as long as the insurance liability doesn’t fall on the borough.

I enjoy the Canal Festival, and would rather it not be a beer festival. But... I hate alcohol.
Fegley's... sit and slam some beers while you're gassing up... what more do you want? When you get done filling up, head over to Condomes Galore and get some porn and water pipe.

Canal days isn't mentioned in the article. It says they lost pavilion rentals (for private parties). Unfortunately, alcohol increases revenue and the canal needs it.
Who would know the difference between when or where it's ok to drink in Walnutport? It's only possible to live there if you're stupid or loaded! Most other communities have the class not to allow open drinking. Probably because the residents of most other communities are not drunken, Troglodytic trumplickers!
White trash Walnutport! yee haw!

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