Number of abortions in US falls to lowest since 1973
NEW YORK (AP) — The number and rate of abortions across the United States have plunged to their lowest levels since the procedure became legal nationwide in 1973, according to new figures released Wednesday.
The report from the Guttmacher Institute, a research group that supports abortion rights, counted 862,000 abortions in the U.S. in 2017. That’s down from 926,000 tallied in the group’s previous report for 2014, and from just over 1 million counted for 2011.
Guttmacher is the only entity that strives to count all abortions in the U.S., making inquiries of individual providers. Federal data compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention excludes California, Maryland and New Hampshire.
The new report illustrates that abortions are decreasing in all parts of the country, whether in Republican-controlled states seeking to restrict abortion access or in Democratic-run states protecting abortion rights. Between 2011 and 2017, abortion rates increased in only five states and the District of Columbia.
One reason for the decline in abortions is that fewer women are becoming pregnant. The Guttmacher Institute noted that the birth rate, as well as the abortion rate, declined during the years covered by the new report. A likely factor, the report said, is increased accessibility of contraception since 2011, as the Affordable Care Act required most private health insurance plans to cover contraceptives without out-of-pocket costs.
According to the report, the 2017 abortion rate was 13.5 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15-44 — the lowest rate since the Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion. Following that ruling, the number of abortions in the U.S. rose steadily — peaking at 1.6 million in 1990 before starting a steady, still-continuing decline. The abortion rate is now less than half what is was in 1990.
Guttmacher noted that almost 400 state laws restricting abortion access were enacted between 2011 and 2017, but it said these laws were not the main force behind the overall decline in abortions. It said 57% of the nationwide decline occurred in the 18 states, plus the District of Columbia, that did not enact any new restrictions.
Between 2011 and 2017, the number of clinics providing abortion in the U.S. declined from 839 to 808, with significant regional disparities, the report said. The South had a decline of 50 clinics, including 25 in Texas, and the Midwest had a decline of 33 clinics, including nine each in Iowa, Michigan and Ohio. By contrast, the Northeast added 59 clinics, mostly in New Jersey and New York.
Over that period, the abortion rate dropped in Ohio by 27% and in Texas by 30%, but the rate dropped by similar amounts in states that protected abortion access, including California, Hawaii and New Hampshire.
Areas with the highest abortion rates in 2017 were the District of Columbia, New Jersey, New York, Maryland and Florida. Rates were lowest in Wyoming, South Dakota, Kentucky, Idaho and Missouri — many women from those five states go out of state to obtain abortions .
One significant trend documented in the report: people who have abortions are increasingly relying on medication rather than surgery. Medication abortion, making use of the so-called abortion pill, accounted for 39% of all abortions in 2017, up from 29% in 2014.
The report, which focuses on data from 2017, does not chronicle the flurry of sweeping abortion bans that were enacted earlier this year in several GOP-controlled states, including a near-total ban in Alabama and five bills that would ban abortion after a fetal heartbeat is detected, as early as six weeks into pregnancy. None of those bans has taken effect; their backers hope that litigation over the laws might eventually lead to a Supreme Court ruling weakening or overturning Roe v. Wade.
Guttmacher’s president, Dr. Herminia Palacio, said abortion restrictions, regardless of whether they lead to fewer abortions, “are coercive and cruel by design,” with disproportionate impact on low-income women.
However, the push for tougher restrictions continues. Just last week, Texas Right to Life and some allied groups urged Gov. Greg Abbott to call a special session of the Legislature to “abolish every remaining elective abortion” in the state.
The report comes amid upheaval in the federal family planning program, known as Title X. About one in five family planning clinics have left the program, objecting to a Trump administration regulation that bars them from referring women for abortions. Title X clinics provide birth control and basic health services for low-income women.
“If your priority is to reduce abortions, one of the best things you can do is make sure that women have access to high-quality, affordable and effective methods of birth control,” said Alina Salganicoff, director of women’s health policy for the nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation.
Perhaps we all need to put 'Sex" back in to the sacred box in which it ought to remain. It's ought to be something special. But... even this man struggles in that area (an admission). Lust has potential to take us to places we ought not go, but the lure is great. Add some mind altering chemicals, and we end up where we don't really want to be.
Free Love. If it feels good...
"And if you can't be with the one you love, honey
Love the one you're with"
There will be repercussions though.
So to Alina Salanicoff, I say, there is another way to reduce abortions, and that would be for all of us to respect our bodies as something more valuable than we do. Cherish sex and keep it sacred, as God intended it to be. But hey, I'm no degree toting Doctor, I'm just a struggling Ham-n-Egger from Walnutport. A sinner just like the rest.
Where does screwing around with porn stars then paying them off for silence fall on the sacred scale?
Stop it Joe. That hatred you have, is clouding out all good. Did Trump rape you at some point? Is "Joe" a radical feminist? Where does this hatred come from? You obviously support abortion as a feminist. You hate Trump, because he beat a female. You are strange to figure out. I said it before, I'll say it again... I will work out my salvation with fear and trembling, I don't need Joe's input to do that. I appreciate your comments here, but not when you twist things in every and all ways to be an attack. Stick to the story.
Trump hasn't done anything that any generic neocon wouldn't have done also. Expect more from a president Mike and lets support a primary challenge from a moral republican.
Your support of this president shows you are part of the reason we have strayed from morality. You are willing to look past immoral behavior for the benefit of political victory. You are right to have fear and trembling.
Trumps doing what the majority see as the number one job of the feds. and that is, secure the states by securing the border. In the primary, I was with Carson, but he didn't have the spunk. At this point, we need a fighter, Trump fights well. Ha Ha Ha
As for McCain? Hero? History tells different.
You crack me up kid.
Your hero was engaging in the sexual perversion you pretend to be against while McCain sat in a POW camp. Wake up
found this story on the Blaze.
BTW, fetal remains is the way the left describes an aborted baby.
Trump calls the new Ukrainian leader with a quid pro quo offer of $250 million in military in exchange for the prosecution of his main political opponent’s son.
Now I understand this hasn’t been proven but if it were to be the case, will you back impeachment?
There are many problems with this Joe. To spy on private conversations of the President is illegal. To publish conversations, or accusations, imagined, or not, is a violation. Keep it up Joe. The President, no matter who, may say what he/she wants. This only reveals the level of bias against this President.
Again, if this is true is it not an impeachable act? Is it not collusion?
The Commander in Chief has many military advisors. What do you think the Joint Chiefs of Staff is for? It is both shallow and ignorant to think that anyone, let alone a foreign countries advisors, place American arms, as though they are pawns. Certainly, strategic input is welcomed by our allies, such as Saudi Arabia, but, the placement of military forces is a complicated matter beyond your simple understanding. Hundreds of trained military professionals are involved in war gaming scenarios for every possibility. Don’t be a fool Joe. I was involved in war planning, and I must say that America can be proud of this feature and our interactions with foreign countries. Don’t allow your hatred, Joe, to ruin your judgement...once again.
“Saudi Arabia oil supply was attacked. There is reason to believe that we know the culprit, are locked and loaded depending on verification, but are waiting to hear from the Kingdom as to who they believe was the cause of this attack, and under what terms we would proceed!”
So trump was waiting to be told who the target is and “what terms we would proceed”. That’s letting SA dictate.
No true American would push a crooked government to dig up dirt on another American.. If the Bidens did something illegal that’s a matter for our own intelligence, not a matter for the president's personal attorney. You are not a true American if you think this is ok.
Hillary pushed Russia to dig up dirt on Candidate Trump. Both Joe and Hunter Biden are in a heap of trouble. The State Department sent America’s Mayor Guiliani to do a preliminary. Everything you said is wrong. Keep it up Joe. President Trump is showing traits of a calm, introspective, firm leader, while you, Joe are experiencing a hysterical meltdown.
As for Biden, I could care less what happens to him as I do not support him. What I do care about is abuse of power by our president. Our special envoy to Ukraine made an introduction but to say that the state department is behind the “investigation” is a lie. The state department isn’t even an investigative agency. Inviting a foreign nation to criminally charge a rival presidential candidate for your own political gain is treasonous. Being blind to it shows a lack true love for our country. You love trump more than our country
And who cares about Hillary.
Just another example of the problems with relying on fossil fuels. Every couple years or so we have to serve up American soldiers to preserve our supply. I happen to believe the lives of our soldiers are worth an investment in alternatives. You don’t, I guess that’s the difference.