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Dem presidential candidates call for Kavanaugh’s impeachment

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    FILE - In this Oct. 8, 2018, file photo, Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh stands before a ceremonial swearing-in in the East Room of the White House in Washington. At least two Democratic presidential candidates, Kamala Harris and Kamala Harris are calling for the impeachment of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh in the face of a new, uninvestigated, allegation of sexual impropriety when he was in college. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh, File)

Published September 16. 2019 12:03AM

WASHINGTON (AP) — Several Democratic presidential candidates on Sunday lined up to call for the impeachment of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh in the face of a new, uninvestigated, allegation of sexual impropriety when he was in college.

Kavanaugh was confirmed last October after emotional hearings in the Senate over a sexual assault allegation from his high school years. The New York Times now reports that Kavanaugh faced a separate allegation from his time at Yale University and that the FBI did not investigate the claim. The latest claim mirrors one offered during his confirmation process by Deborah Ramirez, a Yale classmate who claimed Kavanaugh exposed himself to her during a drunken party.

When he testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee last year, Kavanaugh denied all allegations of impropriety .

Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., said after the new report that “Brett Kavanaugh lied to the U.S. Senate and most importantly to the American people.” She tweeted: “He must be impeached.”

A 2020 rival, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, tweeted that “Confirmation is not exoneration, and these newest revelations are disturbing. Like the man who appointed him, Kavanaugh should be impeached.”

Former Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke asserted in a tweeted, “We know he lied under oath. He should be impeached.” He accused the GOP-run Senate of forcing the FBI “to rush its investigation to save his nomination.”

Their comments followed similar ones from Julian Castro, a former U.S. housing secretary, on Saturday night. “It’s more clear than ever that Brett Kavanaugh lied under oath,” he tweeted. “He should be impeached and Congress should review the failure of the Department of Justice to properly investigate the matter.”

Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont didn’t refer to impeachment by name in a tweet Sunday, but said he would “support any appropriate constitutional mechanism” to hold Kavanaugh “accountable.”

Later Sunday, Sen. Cory Booker tweeted: “This new allegation and additional corroborating evidence adds to a long list of reasons why Brett Kavanaugh should not be a Supreme Court justice. I stand with survivors and countless other Americans in calling for impeachment proceedings to begin.”

Democrats control the House, which holds the power of impeachment. If the House took that route, a trial would take place in the Senate, where Republicans now have a majority, making it unlikely that Kavanaugh would be removed from office.

Trump, who fiercely defended Kavanaugh during his contentious confirmation process, dismissed the latest allegation as “lies.”

In a tweet Sunday, Trump said Kavanaugh “should start suing people for libel, or the Justice Department should come to his rescue.” It wasn’t immediately clear how the Justice Department could come to the justice’s defense.

Trump added that they were “False Accusations without recrimination,” and claimed his accusers were seeking to influence Kavanaugh’s opinions on the bench.

The clowns have no policy to stand on, which the American People will get behind, so they'll continue in their obstructive ways. Look people, nothing gets done when these folks continue to obstruct justice. When did they try the Justice on these new charges? Do we hang the man before trial in America? Is this the transformed America Obama spoke of? If you plan to vote Democrat, be fore warned, as you may be the next lynch mob victim. The progressive way, isn't the American way. Bail out from among those wolves. When does the nonsense end? Are there no grownups left in that party? Hello? Wake up folks.
Now watch this get turned around on these idiots. Whoever the candidate is, the Republican Party will dig all the way back to when that candidate was a teenager. Wow! Do you folks have any idea where that will take us? Think about crazy Bernie and the Russians, or, Warren and her ways of getting ahead. This will get good, or, some will see it as ugly. In the world we livein, "Turnabout is fair play", just saying. Bwah ha ha ha
I guess understanding the process is important mike. You don’t hold a trial and then hold an impeachment. An impeachment is a trial! The Dems are pushing for a trial where all this could be heard. What is wrong with that?
Well thanks again for the information. To start, what's wrong is the alleged victim, doesn't even recall the incident. This is like Déjà vu, Balsy-Ford already tried this act?
Come on Joe, get over that election of 2016 already. Like your hero Barack said... "Elections have consequences."
Please reference the Stanford swimmer rape case for an example of a case where the victim didn't recall the offense. Not unusual.
Joe, you need evidence before impeachment trials begin. You can not begin a trial using fake or nonexistent evidence dreamed up by haters like you. Normally, $35+Million is not available to go on a fishing expedition that lasts over 2.5 years, and, importantly- comes up empty. President Trump is guilty of not being liked by deranged individuals. That is what is wrong with that. Maybe you should be the one under investigation in order to understand.
An initial investigation should not be 2 years long, chaired by biased individuals with a “history” and based upon FISA warrants based upon a hoax story that was never verified. FISA warrants were blindly signed off repeatedly by “crooked cops.” The fake Mueller Report was a disaster.
You will soon see that you have been totally wrong about everything Joe. Be patient as things develop. Maybe then you will be able to see through your selective vision. You refuse important information as you try to develop nothing into something. Keep it up.
Joe, you come off as an all knowing, snarky, snot nosed kid.
First, the majority of the House must approve an indictment. They rejected these and similar accusations. The accusation must fall in to... "high Crimes and Misdemeanors" (with the exception of Constitutional violations).
A trial results, and that trial is just like any criminal proceeding. This is a political exercise in abuse of powers, and is a threat to our justice system. These Democrats have lost their mind, and it appears you too have lost your mind. You align with insanity and moral chaos often. You are a mysterious bundle of snarky opinions that constantly takes on, and on, and on... only to lose.
Come on Joe... Knock it off already.
Yawn. In a sea of name calling from you and others somehow I’m the disrespectful one, you don’t like my posts because I challenge logical fallacies. For example, a “Levite” opposed to migrants.
Joe, I treat you with the level of respect that you give to President Trump. I give you a taste of your own medicine. You are very disrespectful to President Trump. You have Trump Derangement Syndrome and are irrational with your hatred. You can be as dumb as you want to be on this site. Time and again you gloss over the obvious as you cling to little-nothings. 100% you oppose Trump. You are frustrated by political outcomes contrary to your position. You propagate fallacies. Keep it up.
Any dipshit who thinks he can draw on a weather map with a sharpie and pass it off as official deserves no respect. Any man who cheats on his wife, repeatedly, deserves no respect. Call it what you want but I refuse to allow his stench to foul our expectations of what a leader should be.
This was the biggest problem with putting Kav on the bench..more could come out. A witness with a very credible story comes forward but the politics of winning took over. There are dozens of judge candidates willing to be the social conservatives b-tch and trump should have been smart enough to abandoned this flawed candidate and pick one without baggage.
My pick was Raymond Michael Kethledge. The potential I saw with scandal in Trump was enough, but then in this man? I still think it's all hatred against Trump. Anything to cause him to fail. The liberals hate that he had two installments. They fear losing the right to... liberal insanity.
Again, we see things differently. Nothing new under the sun.
All of the nut jobs come out of the woodwork to praise a fake news story that was wrong. The NYT verified that they are untrustworthy fake news. Those with Trump Derangement Syndrome stood up to confirm their hate filled extreme bias. All the fools march on without apology...for all to see. All just for a chance to destroy a Trump associate. Who lacks ethics and integrity now?
The latest update on this story is that the NYT author of the article failed to see that this was untrue...and that little “tidbit” (about being untrue) was not mentioned, therefore debunking the whole story. Fake news strikes again. Again we see Trump Derangement Syndrome in full effect. Why bother to verify facts on someone you hate?
Come on CG...
With respect, may I ask... if they know what goes on there, then tell me, why do they go to those parties? I made sense without yelling. Why do woman yell to make a point? Take Elizabeth Warren for instance. She comes off as one ticked of and miserable woman as she shouts out her lectures.
And then you have the other side, like Christine Margaret Blasey Ford. She whimpered like a beat dog, and then we learned she was a fraud. She should have been ashamed of how she tried to destroy the man and family. Disgusting, and for what?
Fear of flying was proved to be a stall tactic, the girl can fly.
She claims to be a psychologist, but has no certification. To qualify as a “psychologist”, an person is required to complete a one-year residency and pass several tough exams, this fraud did not.
Look at the accusers on the committee Joe...
Feinstein in withholding the letter. Booker and his “Spartacus moment”. Blumenthal the Vietnam Hero. Look Joe, they all were caught lying.
What cranks you folks up is the integrity the judge exemplified, far outshines even the best you lefties can bring forward. Jealousy! The Justice has proven honesty beyond all of his accusers.

Blasey Ford flew to the hearing and addressed the question of fear of flying directly. The committee’s refusal to meet her outside of DC caused weeks delay in her testimony, not the other way around.

The issue of her licensure was raised by a right wing blogger that didn’t have his facts straight. Please read the following link so that you no longer spread fake news.
We are a divided country. I will never understand your allegiances, or why you back what you back. Do you think this new attack is warranted? Why do you appear to applaud Failure of anything Trump? That's like hoping the country fails. What's with that?
This has nothing to do with trump and everything to do with assuring those put into lifetime positions have the moral compass to guide our nation. The best you can say about Kav is he is a big time drinker and a guy who lied at his confirmation about drinking games. At worst he is a serial sexual offender. As we know most truth lies in the middle. That middle isn’t good enough for SCOTUS
I’m going by Kav’s testimony on best case scenario. Worst case scenario based on his several accusers. Isnt somewhere in the middle ground the likely truth?
Ok Joe. You are an incompetent cpa then. We will use your standards. If anyone gets accused of anything, then that means they are guilty. Any hit piece shall stick on you too. A citizen stated you needed a course on basic accounting, therefore, you are an incompetent cpa. Dream up some more moralistic charges. Hate is making you irrational. Keep it up.
Yeah you didn’t read my post or comprehension is poor.

Now it comes out that Kav agreed to be a source for a book as long as the writers would lie and say that he refused. Class guy
I would like to see the Supreme Court Justice sue the NYT's. What this is, certainly can't be considered journalism. If you buy that paper, you support "Fake News".
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