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Lehighton board passes budget with no increase

Published June 28. 2018 12:33PM

Property taxes will remain level in Lehighton Area School District for the fourth straight year after the school board unanimously adopted the 2018-19 budget Monday night.

The $40.6 million budget will require just over $200,000 from the district’s fund balance to level out revenues and expenditures.

In the current budget year, the district is using over $1.8 million from the fund balance, according to Business Manager Brian Feick, with the big difference for 2018-19 coming in anticipated savings from school consolidation.

This fall, Lehighton will open its new elementary center, which will house all K-5 students in the district. Mahoning, East Penn, Franklin and Shull-David elementary schools will be closing.

Recent building updates at the middle and high schools have also contributed to lower costs.

“We’ve saved over $100,000 in electricity at the middle and high schools alone because of how they were renovated,” Feick said.

Salaries, $16.2 million, and benefits, $11.5 million, make up a big chunk of the expenditures. Debt principal and transfers account for $1.7 million and dues, fees and interest payments are budgeted for $2 million.

Taxes will remain at 47.88 mills.

“The business office has worked hard to put this together and it doesn’t just happen overnight,” Superintendent Jonathan Cleaver said of the budget. “We hope to continue additional savings as we move forward. We’ve had a plan in place for many years of moving forward trying to find ways to save money.”

Feick said the district’s fund balance was at around 17 percent of the budget when he came on board.

“Over the last four or five years we have worked to get that down to 7 or 8 percent, where the state says it should be,” Feick said.

In terms of new items, Lehighton is adding two part-time police officers at $30 per hour for up to 120 hours per month for 10 months. The officers’ salaries are covered by grant money, Feick said.

“We’re also budgeting for another social worker,” he added.

An overview of the budget can be viewed at

Other financial matters

The board on Monday also approved the 2018-19 insurance package policies for property, general liability, auto, boiler and machinery, workers’ compensation, umbrella, security, error and omissions, in the amount of $277,288. According to finance committee minutes, last year’s cost was $262,293. When Lehighton’s elementary buildings are sold, the cost will again drop to $264,278.

The board also authorized a transfer from the general fund to food service fund in an amount not to exceed $5,339 to close out the 2017-18 school year; approved a student lunch price and adult lunch price increase of $0.10 (elementary $2.40, middle school/high school $2.70, adult $3.70) for the 2018-19 school year.

This is a very good illustration of the risk of passing a property tax elimination bill. Not all school districts have been able to cap tax increases as well as LASD and if we switch to the HB/SB76 tax model, we are almost certainly assuring yearly increases in income tax, if not also sales. If you live in a district that has done well in controlling costs, you will no longer benefit and instead find yourself subsidizing districts that don't. Pretty soon responsible districts will realize they are not getting benefit from being budget conscious and will spend more as well.
LASD has not controlled costs. They have been using their fund balance to balance the budget for a few years. Tax increase will be here soon. They may be able to cover some of the loans for the current building project but not the other expenditures that are adding up. Check the minutes on their website, constant spending.
Having a fund balance to draw from is the very definition of good financial stewardship. There are costs that are going up but if you want to guarantee yearly tax increases, have SB76 pass. It is a disaster.
At least everyone would pay and we homeowners would not be at risk of losing our homes. So we are in favor of this house bill .
The district was so overtaxed for years that it is riding the slope of surplus.

Sad financial management.
Raising taxes to astronomical levels, then not raising is a shell game. Look at the charts, read the bond documents.

Citizen David F Bradley, Sr.

For official government business, my contacts are as follows:


Lehighton Area School District
Director David F. Bradley, Sr.
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1000 Union Street
Lehighton, Pa 18235

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If you rationally or irrationally fear or perceive there are risks of retaliation against you, your children, or relatives working in the district, I suggest you seek a more private means of communication.

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Citizen David F. Bradley, Sr.

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