Local members of Congress take party line on impeachment issue
When it comes to the question of an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump’s actions, our local members of Congress come down on either side of the issue in predictable party ways.
Democrats Susan Wild, who represents Lehigh, Northampton and part of Monroe counties, and Matt Cartwright, who represents the other part of Monroe, are now on board favoring the inquiry, while Republican Dan Meuser, who represents Carbon and Schuylkill counties, is vehemently opposed.
The central question is whether Trump stepped over the line in a July 25 phone conversation with the newly elected president of Ukraine and asked him to assist in a corruption investigation of former Vice President Joe Biden and Biden’s son, Hunter, who served on the board of a Ukrainian company.
First, let’s clear up some confusion on what impeachment is and is not. Two of our presidents have been impeached, but neither was forced to leave office, because neither was convicted.
“Impeachment” is similar to a charge and indictment against a defendant — in this case the president of the United States. The U.S. Constitution lays out the procedure that must be followed.
The charge must be brought in the House of Representatives. If a majority of House members concludes that there is justification to sustain the indictment, the spotlight shifts to the Senate for a trial, where two-thirds of the 100-member body must vote to convict before a president can be kicked out of office.
In the two cases where impeachment actions were taken — against Andrew Johnson in 1868 and Bill Clinton in 1998 — the House sustained the charges, but the Senate did not convict.
In a third impeachment inquiry, President Richard Nixon resigned in 1974 after the House Judiciary Committee voted in favor of impeachment but before the full House acted on the charges.
The Constitution provides that the president “shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” What these “other high crimes and misdemeanors” might involve has been left to the judiciary to interpret.
As for our local representatives, Wild, who had been on the fence about impeachment until Ukraine issue became the tipping point, said the use of public office to target political opponents and invite foreign interference in our elections is “unequivocally unacceptable.”
She also criticized Trump’s “repeated obstruction and stonewalling of Congress’ constitutional oversight responsibilities.”
Wild acknowledged that hers is a swing district and that her decision will not be popular among Trump supporters.
“Should we have to proceed down this route, it is the only decision that would be consistent with the oath I took to support and defend the Constitution,” she said.
Cartwright left some wiggle room by saying that members of Congress need to “get to the bottom of these serious allegations through comprehensive impeachment proceedings and document production,” because, he added, “at some point, it becomes necessary to announce certain conduct by an American president as unacceptable.”
As an ardent Trump supporter, Meuser sees the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry as an unlawful way to remove the president from office. He accused House leader Nancy Pelosi and other top Democrats of focusing on creating a “far-fetched scandal related to a phone call with a foreign government leader.”
Meuser said the Democrats are rushing to judgment without having all of the relevant facts.
“This farce, which chooses to push a presumption of guilt where evidence is nonexistent, is nothing short of a constitutional embarrassment for our country.”
One thing you can be sure of is that the road down the impeachment mountain will be a bumpy one for members of both parties. Trump supporters will surround the wagons to protect the president, while his opponents will try to make a case for ending his presidency and short circuit his bid for another four years.
Many Democratic House members know that this will be a perilous journey that could cost them their jobs, especially in swing districts, but officeholders such as Wild say that acting on behalf of the country trumps their remaining in office.
As for the president, he has branded the call for the inquiry as another Democratic witch hunt.
By Bruce Frassinelli | tneditor@tnonline.com
If you can't understand this very basic concept than you are lost. You see me as an expert and I appreciate that but really this is just common sense.
Keep trying sonny.
God Bless
Did you hear that Mr. of the highest office protecting our laws
"I looked at them and said, ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ Well ... He got fired."
Sleepy Joe put the squeeze on, with taxpayer money, to save that "white privileged" son of his, and he's not investigated? Oh yeah, that's right, he's a demoncrat
Joe, was that you in front of me at Burger King?
You ordered a Big Nothing Burger, Large Lies, a Large Diet Hoax, and to go... Nowhere!
You are what you eat (wink).
I think you’re being lazy intellectually. Do a little research and get back to me on what he is supposedly accused of. Otherwise it appears you are just accepting the trump narrative without confirmation.
Please don’t play stupid, especially if don jr was in hunter Biden’s position, it would be wall to wall news 24-7.
And before you level more inaccurate accusations towards me, I’m neither Republican nor Democrat.
If you want to say that hunter being involved in ukraine represented a potential conflict I can see that but keep in mind he is a private citizen. Saying he was “under investigation” or potentially under investigation is grossly false. You might be independent but youre buying the trump/Giuliani propaganda hook line and sinker without doing homework.
But don’t take my word for it, look it up. Find one reputable source that reports on specific offenses by hunter that is not a “guilt by association”
Breaking: Romney's Foreign Affairs Aid (from campaign) worked For same Ukrainian Company As Hunter Biden?
Look people, we need to unite to drain this swamp. Got that Joe?
Igor Pasternak is a US citizen since immigrating in 1993 and is not an "arms dealer". He is President and CEO of Worldwide Aero that makes blimps. He has had defense contracts (US) but there is nothing illegal about that. Again, don't take my word for it, look it up.
Mike, you can't be this gullible...
Look I'm not trying to be obtuse here but the most basic question to ask is what is he being investigated for? You especially need to ask that since Ukraine never identified hunter as a target of an investigation!
Lemme give you some examples:
Hunter is alleged to have embezzled money.
Hunter is alleged to have extorted money from the government.
Hunter is alleged to have committed rape.
Tony, you are trying to pass off “allegation” with nothing alleged. He’s alleged to have allegations? WTF?!???
Don’t believe it? Fine, refuse to accept it? Ok that’s fine too, but you asked, and this is the answer- again ....
You’ll probably come back with some irrational rubbish about me following comrade trump’s orders yada yada , it will equate to a cheap shot. But you really want to know what I’m saying, page back and read what I’ve actually said, and contrast it with your nonsensical drivel and partisan attracts.
We have had common ground before, but on this , not remotely
For this whole accusation to make sense it has to start with some iota of an idea of what offense was committed by hunter.
Partisanship is parroting the president’s talking points. I’m looking under the hood to see what is really there. I invite you to do the same. Btw, I do not support Biden, but I do support truth. In this case the truth is the president was caught discussing an apparent quid pro quo with Ukraine around defense funds to assist his candidacy and he is now trying to distract from that.
So that is why its important to get the full story.
These Democrats can't win, and pretty soon... well... we're going to grow tired of winning.
The problem is that a politician has influence. Family & friends of politicians rule by proxy. Isn’t it strange how someone unqualified attains a cherry job? Everyone should be suspicious of this stuff. If the Biden’s have nothing to hide then they should welcome an investigation to exonerate their family name. Especially, if Joe is running for President he should welcome an investigation. Isn’t it strange how no one seems to be interested in finding out the truth? President Obama placed Joe Biden in charge of two countries, Ukraine & China. Isn’t it strange how Hunter Biden became involved with cherry deals with both countries? This kind of stuff is the swamp that needs to be drained. If you are ok with this you deserve the swamp in your backyard.
Stay in the echo chamber chief
Yet, it is not in any Official Court of Law allowed.
We as a Country are seeing our tax money being dwindled away by none stop investigations by the Democrat Party against our President.
From what I see as an Independent Voter, He is trying to Expose the Washington Corruption.
The Expose' started when Lois Learner from the IRS was targeting the Tea Party. Then Hillary Clinton Bleached her Hard drives, smashed her blackberries after she was sapenaed to hand them over. Then we had the Ordeals with FBI Director James Comey and CIA Director James Clapper. Our latest is Joe Biden's son getting a smashing Job for 50 to 80 thousand a Month with a Gas Company in Ukraine with no experience. And of course Joe Biden is on Tape smugly talking about holding back promised money to Ukraine (when he was Vice President) unless they fire the person who was investigation the corruption of the Gas company his son worked on . That is a Quid Pro Quo. Folks! That is Bribery!
What Donald Trump did in a conversation with the Ukraine president was NOT !
Yet, He is being accused of what Biden did. It is so Far Fetched and outlandish.
For those who defend this Deep State. You have no understanding of what is happening right in front of you! I grew up in a Democrated Home. We had a Picture of every President in Office always on our wall. It was respect. As a Child I was fond of John F Kennedy. My parents had taken me as a baby to see him campaign in Hazelton. They got so close that he picked me up. My Mother was ecstatic. He fought the Mob- they came after him and his brother. My mother cried when he died. It was a somber time. You loved your President.That's Respect.
The Democrated Party Today is not John F. Kennedy's. Kennedy's Party was Conservative. The Party today is a mix of Liberalism and Socialism. I keep hearing promises on what the Government will give you by all the Candidate running for Office. Since when did we become a County of Give me Free stuff by our Government?
Why would a Party want Illegal's to overrun our borders who expect Free housing, food,schooling and health care. While Americans are paying for it and many do not have it themselves?
I remember a Famous statement by Kennedy: Ask not what your Country can do for you. But what You can Do for Your Country!"
The Democrats are trying to change the Political map by trying to let the illegals in(IT'S FOR THEIR VOTES). They have no care about the violence , the drugs, the rapes, the murders , the crime or the economic hardship on communities that will entail our lives.
This is only about Power, control,change of a map,a vote and Dictatorship
If they can go after this President they can come after you!
There is No stopping Them!
Your Country is Gone.
You No Longer are the Land of the Free!
God Bless America for Now