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Franklin school sells for $415K

Published October 01. 2019 12:21PM

Bethany Wesleyan Church has a new home in Franklin Township after securing the former Franklin Elementary School property for $415,000 at a public auction Monday afternoon.

The purchase price started at $400,000 and the auction ended after Christian Scheuermann, owner of CTS Properties in Easton and the only other bidder for the property, declined to increase the total to $417,500.

Ken Everett, business administrator for the church, said public comment on the auction or plans for the property, located at 1122 Fairyland Road, would only be discussed after the district’s school board ratified the sale Monday night.

Bethany Wesleyan Church began renting space in Lehighton Area Middle School in 2018 for Sunday services. At the time, district officials called it a “win-win” and estimated it would bring in over $30,000 per year in income.

Franklin is the final of four elementary schools to be sold at auction after Lehighton opened a new K-5 school for all of its elementary students before the 2018-19 school year.

Lehighton Superintendent Jonathan Cleaver said the sale takes another property off the district’s books and saves the taxpayers from having to fund an unused building.

“From July 2018 to April 19, the district spent almost $40,000 in water, sewer, electric, etc., while the building was sitting there idle,” Cleaver said. “That figure doesn’t include the mowing service. Those are expenses that are now no longer the responsibility of the district.”

Before the sale, the Franklin property was subdivided with 11.8 acres going to Franklin Township. That land includes four baseball and softball fields used by the Franklin Township Athletic Association.

“This sale includes the school building and the soccer field above it,” Lehighton solicitor William Schwab said before Monday’s auction.

Dave Bradley voted to approve the sale Monday, but told the board he thought the district could have gotten more money had it given the property more curb appeal.

“If we took a little more time there instead of leaving garbage and crap all over, we may have done better than giving it away for pennies on the dollar,” Bradley said.

Commercial real estate appraiser Frank Gownley appraised the property at $759,000 before it was subdivided.

“I think the church got a great deal based on that,” Bradley said.

Board President Larry Stern called appraisals, “wishful numbers.”

“You only get what someone is willing to pay for it and right now we have someone willing to take this off our liability list,” Stern said.

Franklin is the fourth former elementary school to be sold by the district, joining Shull-David, Mahoning and East Penn.

Joseph Bennett, using the name Lehighton School Site LLC, posted the successful bid of $402,500 for Shull-David Elementary School during a public auction last month.

He outbid Behavioral Health Associates, which submitted a pre-bid of $400,000, but did not attempt to go higher. Bennett has yet to publicly say what he intends to do with the property.

In November 2017, Lehighton sold East Penn and Mahoning elementary schools for $350,000 each, also at public auction. BHA was the successful bidder for Mahoning, where it now runs the Mahoning Valley Academy for grades 7 through 12. Duane and Lavona Schleicher bid $350,000 on East Penn Elementary.

400k of tax free money, don’t tell me Christianity is under attack in America . Church is a business, selling an invisible product,
Yes it is. Where do they keep getting the money. That's renting the lehighton elementary. Buying a palmerton church n now buying this. They must have sone rich people going there!! Seems they are biting off a lot to chew
Oh yeah, I can speak from experience on this, not only that but the extreme cult like desire to give, even asking congregants to sell off property and investments to give to the church. There’s a lot of homeless people that are missing out on “least of these” verses that aren’t taught anymore
It appears that you are attacking a local body of Christians (Americans) as you post.
I suggest leaving what you left, and just watch and see. A good "Church" is a good addition to any community, BWC is a great group of people who unite for a GREAT good.
I hate when they ask for money to cover the Bill's but where does the money come from to pay there own Bill's. 10 percent of minimum wage doesnt cover Bill's or get food
Indeed. If I wasn’t a moral atheist as I am I would be selling religion for a profit too, big money in exploiting people’s emotions and fears of death. Look at Kenneth Copeland or Joel osteen, but alas I wouldn’t be able to live with myself
Apparently, they have several locations, if you really want to know them... pay them a visit, it won't cost you a dime. When people gather in unity of something Good, gooder things come of it. This will get gooder.
Your continued attacks suggests to me that you didn't really leave religion Tony. Atheism is your new religion. Christianity isn't a religion, it's about a relationship. If you left this church... then leave. You hang on to something, but why? Your religion has you stirring a pot, and you don't even know why. You're better than that, I've read your posts.
Atheism is a religion like abstinence is a sex position, to claim my lack of belief is a belief is a bit of a logical fallacy, wouldn’t you agree Levite? And since when did expressing an opinion on times news comment section become “attacks”?
I do visit them. N I see how go as I said they have one in cherryville. lehighton n now palmerton n how do u speak. Gooder??
How can an unoccupied building have utility bills that high? Seems like someone should have enough sense to drop the heat down to a reasonable level and not run the AC in the summer. No wonder LASD can't manage their budget.
I like that the "Giving" page of their website has "Invest in Eternity" as the header. A not too subtle attempt to get people to give in exchange for belief they will be saved by doing so. Pretty low.
You found only that to which you can pick at, and you highlight it here? Nothing positive Joe? You post to tear down what God is building up? Will Rodgers once said, "The easiest job, is that of the critic". In this case, your easily gained criticality has eternal ramifications.
Pretty Low ones at that.
You're better than that Joe.
Mike/Levite are you saying that you believe that salvation comes through your donation to the church? That’s what their webpage is suggesting and that should be very troubling.
What you don't see on their website is the hundreds of meals they prepare for the homeless families of Carbon County each year. Or the activities and events they hold, free of charge, to help build community in Lehighton. Or the gift cards they purchase to keep the heat on in houses during the winter...not just for church members, for anyone who asks for help. My family received a free thanksgiving meal (turkey, sides, everything right down to flowers for the center of our tablet) from them last year because someone emailed them and told them we were in need. My daughter is a teacher at the middle school and she received a free tote worth of school supplies that are much needed since the district won't supply enough and the teachers have to pay for them themselves. This is where all that money goes. It goes to helping people who just need a helping hand. I don't attend their services, but they still went out of their way to help me and my family. They are a blessing to this community.
“They are a blessing to this community” says the person who just extolled praise for a church your advocating.... that’s not a biased option at all now is it....

I don’t argue good people don’t do good things, hezbullah the terrorist organization in Israel/ Palestine builds hospitals and pays out money to the poor, i see no difference here
Pretty low comment to compare any group who demonstrates civility and love, to people they do not benefit from, to a terrorist group. Several things bother me about your comments. First off, Hezbollah is based in Lebanon and is a political party....not a church or religion. Even Israel considers them as such. And they are different because they are only helping their own.

And if you attended this church, as you say you did, and left it because of it's "selling you religion", you really weren't attending the church to begin with. I don't attend church for several personal reasons, but from all of the interactions I've had with the church leaders and the thousands who attend their services regularly, not one has tried to lure me into their cult or sell me their religion. They ask how they can help me. So maybe the problem was you, and your expectations going in. Keeping an open mind and not thinking the worst in people, especially people you don't know, would do you good. Pessimism can cripple your heart. Believe in the goodness of people. See the good in the world.
Well isn’t this a delicious bit of drivel and frankly comprehension incompetence. I’ve said previously I’m not suggesting people don’t do good things, yet somehow your claim is I am Incapable of seeing good in the world (as you suggested I don’t)
Secondly, your exact argument can be copied and pasted to defend hezbullah, it’s really interchangeable and you doubled down on it, a very weak argument to defend your chosen mythology you believe in.
Third, and most importantly, this is times news comment section. And in a free and liberal society no idea is above question and ridicule, including your chosen church. In fact the ideas and concepts that take Most offense from criticism, are the ones that need to be examined the most, class dismissed
Maybe u should start going to church for personnel reasons s as you say y you dont go. That's a cop out. Just saying!!!
I was glad to see the church get a great deal, bit sad for the burden placed on backs of taxpayers. This church took this immoral government to the proverbial cleaners, I wish them well.

Would you hire Andrew Yenser, Rita Spinelli, Larry Stern, Wayne Wentz and Steve Holland to manage your personal financial assets and let them give their control of your assets to Superintendent Cleaver without your direct permission and oversight? And if Superintendent Cleaver told you that you no longer have the authority to see your own financial records, what would you do as owner of those assets and records. So why would you elect these people providing a blind trust that rubber stamps an administration that blocks your legal authority to look at all your financial records?

Government needs oversight, let's talk.


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.

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