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2019 primary election: Wentz seeks fourth term on Lehighton Area School Board

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Published May 07. 2019 01:35PM

Wayne Wentz is seeking his fourth term on the Lehighton Area School Board.

Born and raised in Franklin Township, he has been a lifelong resident of Lehighton school district. He and his family are all Lehighton graduates.

Wentz played baseball for Lehighton and also American Legion Post 314. Upon graduation, he enlisted in the U.S. Navy. He spent 13 months in I Corps stationed in DaNang. He was honorably discharged in 1969 and worked for Lehigh Valley, Conrail and Norfolk Southern Railroads as a heavy equipment operator for 38 years before retiring in 2007.

He served as Franklin Township’s representative on the Lehighton Recreation Commission for many years. He was the adjutant of Lehighton VFW Post 256 from 2002-2013 and was recording secretary and charter member of the Vietnam Veterans of Carbon County. He is a member of American Legion Post 314 for the past 27 years and the Vietnam Last Mans Club. Wentz is a lifetime member of the Franklin Township Fire Co., a member of the Mauch Chunk gun club, the Beaver Run Gun Club, and served on the Central Carbon Recreation Committee. For 35 years he has been involved in the Franklin Township Athletic Association, as president from 1987 to 2017. For 30 years, he has been involved in the Russell “Bups” Ahner Memorial Old Timers game, which has raised over $100,000 for sick and terminally ill children.

Wayne worked at Zion UCC church at the summer lunch program that fed over 1,600 kids.

He is the Carbon-Lehigh Intermediate Unit #21 representative from Lehighton. At Lehighton school district, Wentz is on the Building and Grounds committee, as well as chairman of the Athletic Committee.

Wentz asks for your support in the primary along with Larry Stern, Rita Spinelli, Nathan Foeller, Frank Ruch and Craig Bowman. He supports all Lehighton graduates who wish to keep Lehighton moving forward. Safety and education are a top priority for our students and community. Long-term savings for taxpayers, not a quick fix plan, will help ensure our schools continue with important programs, such as music and arts, and continue building jobs throughout the district.

Cannot wait to vote against you again , wont make a difference cause them good ole boys will be wining again. You and your bunch saddled this area with 10s of millions of dollars in debt we did not need , and stop giving that crap about top priority is the students as new buildings and a new fafafafootball stadium does NOTHING to further that! If you and them good ole boys really cared about students you could have hired more teachers and lowered the teacher/student ratio.

Good morning. Great man but a very, very, poor public servant. Our children's children are holding the legacy of debt with an escalating interest rate. Oh boy, was that a politician's move.

He seemed to ignore the cries of the people. Ever check who funds his campaign? Is that why, 'we the people' are silenced, but others seem to have full access? Part of a block voting?

And Wayne, why didn't the FTAA just buy the Christman fields? The business owners had the money allocated, what prevented us from helping the FTAA own the fields again?

Commonsense was it?

The actions of this incumbent are legendary, and only surpassed by the his legacy of debt.


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.
Yup, re-elect this incumbent to ensure the stakeholders interest are protected.

Bid documents
Free eye exams
Legacy of debt
FTAA lease
Emails erased
Personal email for district business
Insurance broker decision
Wife handles district emails
Violations of privacy
Rubber stamper
Wasting taxpayers money
SLAPP resolution
Twisting the facts
Block voting
Private meeting with Superintendent
Name Clearing hearing
Bond interest escalates
Taxes at all time high
Huge fund balance
Track lanes
Press box dedication
Sunshine Act

Have the community had enough?

But, at least he can poke fun at the undefeated band's expense. After his voting history is reviewed and his OFFICIAL ACTIONS AS A GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL are on full display, please ask how I really feel. Great guy, poor politician.


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.
It is unfortunate that Citizen Bradley continues to leave out so many facts regarding school board business as well as providing information without the proper context. He continues to use the online comments section for his political platform of misinformation and being judge and jury for the board.
Mr. Wentz has done more for the Lehighton community than Mr. Bradley ever will. I hope the community realizes this. Please remember that when you go to the polls on the 21st of May. Do not let Build a Board candidates fool you into thinking they are not tied to Citizen Bradley and the tactics he uses to control others. Keep civil governance on our School Board.
Timechanges01..... your handle is ironic because they are not as we have the same idiots from year to year making the same decisions. Maybe wentz did a few things for this area but he did one major screw-up and saddled us with HUGH amount of debt . As for Bradley he is doing exactly what we the voters wanted him to do …. BE A BIG PAIN IN THE A@@ to the incompetents oops incumbents. But it doesn't matter cuz them good ole boys got what they want two new schools and a fafafafootball stadium that does NOTHING for putting the students first

Good afternoon. What I find unfortunate is that zealots allow the evil Wayne Wentz has perpetrated upon this community to be excused by any good. Evil is evil.

Unky Wayny Wentz, Director Wentz, failed in his duty as a government official. His neglect has harmed more children than even the works of Mother Teresa could balance. Wayne Wentz is a disgrace.

Ask Wayne Wentz why he voted the way he did on Matt Fisher, and the government's promotion of the vulgar tweet that demean women.

You see, just because his relative created the original vulgar tweet is no reason to blindly support it as a government official. Then, and only then, after critical review, should you cast your judgement.

I stand by my opinion, Wayne Wentz is a poor government official and his actions as a government director are immoral.


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.

Good morning. The Wayne Wentz problem is not new. He has been making bad decisions for years. Look, good people do stupid things when given power. Rubber Stampers do awful things and Wayne has a history of being a rubber stamp, making poor decisions.

Look at the August 2014 minutes. How would you have voted?

His actions as our politician is my only focus. As a person 'Uncle Wayne' is probably an ok guy, a veteran, he cares, his is a great cheer leader, an undefeated cheer leader. Giving him a shot at being an authority made sense, since then we have learned he is not such a good politician. Favoritism appears to rule his roost.

As a politician his records shows he is poor at making decisions, often votes as a rubber stamp, it appear he fails to even read the documents.

The list is above, but debt that burdens children is inexcusable. How can you say you care about kids and give them a burden like that?

I am sure many bad politicians have done nice things, too. But, would reElect them after they did heinous things in office? I hope not. As one constituent puts it, would you elected Larry, Curley and Moe after you watched their act in office?

How many bad choices do you give a guy before you realize he isn't the best choice?


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.

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