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Where do you draw the line?

Published October 05. 2019 06:44AM

To the editor:

A recent letter to the editor was written by someone with an extremely low regard for her local school board and its teachers.

So, a “conflict of interest” would exist if a custodian in that district would run for a seat on the board.

What about a parent who has children in that district? Same situation? Where do you draw the line?

The objectives of a school board member are to ensure the running of the district in an efficient manner and that every student receives the best education possible.

In addition to property taxes, public schools also receive aid from both the federal and state governments. Both the district AND THE TEACHERS contribute to the state pension fund.

My husband and I moved six years ago so that he could be closer to his job. He knew it had to be done. It’s called “downsizing.” Many seniors do it for various reasons. We did it for practical reasons.

The school district in the West End has its students on track for a productive life in the 21st century outside of the district. Either get on board or get out of the way! If you’re putting a price tag on education, what kind of tag would you put on ignorance?

Any qualified resident of a school district can run for a seat on the school board, if he or she does not like the ways it’s functioning.

Darlene Ochs


Yes! Education is in fact, a national security issue, and to berate districts that invest in their educational opportunities is a grievance against the very security of this country,
WHOA! "get on board or get out of the way"????
Is that like... My way or the highway? Not sure what the point is of this rant, but...
On pensions? The board has no control of that. However, a teacher of 30 years, exiting at $60K salary, will see $3,000 a month (Class TE). Nobody gets that in private sector. Add in S S, and these employees retire making well beyond what they do working, and only 30 years service needed... 30 years and out??? Who gets that in private sector?!
Did you know that in 2016, PSERS paid pensioners more than $6 billion, while bringing in less than $5 billion. Where do they make $1B that up?
As for price of education? Give clear and free choice in education, we don't get that. I'm forced to pay for a system of education I no longer trust or agree with. It's not voluntary purchase, rather an extorting tax.
As for students being on track? Well let me remind you, NASD ranks 219 of 603, and PA 17th among the states. Not all that and a box of crackers.
I see young people embracing socialism. Are they being fed that garbage in the classrooms, thus confusing their thinking? Now that's a national security concern.
Look folks, our system of education is failing, yet the cost keeps rising. Compensation in private sector bases on merit, not with public educators.
Levite, isn’t it rather inaccurate to claim the “system” is failing when schools that are doing very well don’t get recognized? I’m sure for every district that carries blame there are many that don’t, allentown vs Nazareth for example, or parkland vs Palmerton.
As for socialism, how did you reach this conclusion? I’m not aware of any socialism reprogramming classes... have have you heard of the young republicans or fbla? Deca? The scouts? Or kids for Christ? There are so many examples of groups actually in the school system and none of them socialists.
And btw Levite, we agree socialism has no place in American society.
As far as teachers and their pensions, teaching isn’t a robbery or get rich quick scam. There are many teachers who go absolutely above and beyond and use their own money for students benefit. These are the same “monsters” you want to gut their pensions. Just remember you don’t know what you don’t know...
I've been around the block, I know the content of the books presented under the pretense of American History. Though you mention just some groups of outside influence, keep in mind who owns the bully pulpit. Just beware, you may not know all of what I do know. This is certain, teachers are well compensated for that part time position.
Levite I don’t want to accuse you of anything, but it seems you are on a one man vendetta. Because you didn’t address the points I made, rather brushing them off and going back on the attack. Again I would ask you to look around you at the engineering marvels, medical advances, spaceflight, better farming, more involved youth, and realize all this is the product of a quality education. Provided by under-appreciated teachers.
Is there room for improvement? Sure, always, but to damn the whole thing as you have done? I must disagree ...
First off, I took offense to the rant of, get on board, or get out of the way rant of this writer. I also hate the socialism being flung around these schools, who by the way, demand funding of, from me! So, I have a right to voice my concerns against these teachings with the socialist bent. Keep sciences out of this please, that's not the focus.
I'm told religion and moral values can't be taught in Public Schools, but, Socialism has its own set of Godless moral values being taught, which run antithesis Christian morals.
Watch this Tony...
Socialism: Government mandated social engineering Aka. (molding the society or people to conform to a societal ideal).
Taxing residents (extorting), and then appearing to "Give" away (free) education, the government claims an implicit monopoly on K-12 education. This same government owns the brick/mortar, and the land on which it sits. This is all under government control most important... the teachers.
Isn't that enough to get your wheels turning?
I never intended to attack teachers, but I will, because I don't hear teachers crying out against the rot taking place in these government schools. And for your good buddy Joe... I'm not envious of teachers... nope, just got my eye on what's actually coming out. Now Tony, you explain to me why the embrace of socialism in this country. Tell me the truth of America and it's history is being properly represented in these government schools, and be honest. Look at all the money the teachers union throws in to the Socialist Party (Democrats). Look at all the money the Teamsters and other unions representing our school support staffing throws toward the Socialist Party. Come on Tony... this government school system is molding the minds of our youth, and even the brightest minds, people like you, don't see it, or they ignore it, and all the while they extort from the home owner. Pay, or we'll take away your house.
Levite your proving my point, please tell me how socialism is being pushed on kids ? I’m really at a loss how this conclusion is being drawn, as a former student and parent myself I highly disagree. Let’s forget all other things you mentioned and focus on this, how EXACTLY is socialism being forced on kids? Btw Levite, I’m not the smartest person in the world maybe you can teach me something, maybe there is a nefarious plot afoot

I read your biased blog posts and no where therein is any specifics about the socialistic curriculum you say is in the public schools. What you do have is a wild ass assumption that because a gallup poll showed that there are a lot of people with a positive view on socialism (about the same number who is positive about capitalism btw) this means the schools are teaching students to be socialists. Why hang this on the schools if we are going to push an agenda with no proof? How about "Obama had a drug put into the water supply that makes kids socialists". or "Our satellites are sending undetectable audio readings of Marxist works" . If you're going to spread conspiracies, go big or go home.

Again, please point to specific lessons within the public school curriculum than is pushing socialism.
Come on Joe. AL is not Mike. You can easily tell by their writing styles. You are only revealing your ignorance to say that. You say that just to be insulting. What ever happened to greater ideas to win discussions? I guess that ended with the collusion & impeachment garbage. I love teachers...however something is wrong with our school system when students can’t even answer basics on core subjects. What in the he** is taught when college students do not even know who fought in WWII? How about mathematics? How about even reading? How can it be that half of the school in the inner city can not read upon graduation? If you side with this you are crazy. This is not an isolated incident either. There is plenty of blame to go around. Text books are liberalized. Tenured teachers are kept even as they are proven incompetent. Emphasis is placed upon the wrong areas. For example, the latest climate change walk out wasted a day of school that could easily have been put to better use in favor of debatable activism. America spends more on individual students, yet the results are terrible. I believe that many good teachers fight an uphill battle along with us against this. Socialism is popular because students pick up somewhere that it is wonderful. In spite of overwhelming evidence of the failures of socialism, somewhere kids learn the opposite. Perhaps the media is partially to blame. When is the last time that you reviewed a history textbook? Important events in American history are excluded (WWII), while minimal events are emphasized (UN over US) for instance. Young kids are at the mercy of the learning environment. Why is it that you would get enough material for a comedy show when you set up a booth to ask college kids simple history questions? Here you have the (supposedly) smartest ones unable to answer anything. Years ago in a one room school house students memorized “The Gettysburg Address.” Today, I challenge you to ask a student what that even is. How can this be?
You throw out many things that are plain inaccurate about teacher’s compensation as compared to “private sector”. A masters prepared licensed professional in the private sector has far more earning power than a teacher. Keep in mind unions negotiate for a collective and although they might succeed in raising a minimum pay level, they also limit the maximum. A 40 year retiree with a final annual pay of 75,000 is peanuts compared to other industries..

Now more importantly, provide specific examples of how socialism is being pushed on public school kids.
My numbers and facts are factual... stop it Joe, you look silly when you do your cute act.
For socialism in our schools...

If students in our nation’s schools are being taught the truth about socialism, how is it possible that so many can support such a horrifically destructive ideology? The obvious answer is that they are not being taught the truth about socialism. The next question then becomes obvious: Why not?

John Dewey introduced himself to your child in kindergarten but you may not like it when you find out why.

Check these out Tony, Joe and anyone else who might care to. Apparently there's more who embrace this communism/socialism than I knew of. Please stop treating me like Joseph McCarthy.
I'm not a one man vendetta, but if I am, I'm for truth, not popularity... no thumbs up needed here fellows.
Stop posting under two handles Mike. Its dishonest.

So let me get this straight. Because a gallup poll showed that a block of our country has a positive view of socialism that this is proof positive that our public schools teach socialism? No where in those studies referenced is there a relationship or causation implied with public school curriculum. So the question remains, please point to actual school curriculum that you believe backs up the assumptions made in these blogs. Right now its "a lot of people like socialism, it must be the schools fault".
Unfortunately I tend to agree those links are to opinion pieces, but here’s what I know. The United States has to import almost 75% of its scientists from other countries. This means only 25% of our scientists are home grown Americans. This is a problem if the United States plans to be a world leader economically, militarily, and technologically. We simply have a national security issue if we downplay and ignore education and a bigger problem if we blame education for all our nations issues.

Is there room for improvement? Absolutely! Is everything perfect? No way! But I’m truly afraid to see what Levite’s ideal situation looks like, I imagine homeschooled Bible lessons by candlelight. Sure that’s my biased imagination but what are you advocating Levite ?
Home school is a great answer to this, but why do I have to continue to fund the public... government school? Bible study is important, though, I know how you and Joe pooh pooh that. The community of the school children isn't working that well anymore, is it? Haven't you noticed the way many young people live in their own little bubble? All's they want is the stupid phone and gaming. Sorry, off topic.
I have no problem with bible study, I attend and facilitate myself.

I have a big problem with bible study being forced on public school kids. A comparative religion class (with an honest assessment of the goods and bads) is fine but I suspect you would want an indoctrination type bible study.
The fake sciences have become the religion of the progressives. Science is falsified, and pushed on the kids, being far more harming than the Words found in the Bible. Indoctrination has been the norm within the government schools for years Joe. By the way, Christianity isn't a religion, in so much as it is a relationship. I happen to shy away from religion. Let's go back to the New England Primer.
Speaking of fake science, did you see the story of Union Theological Seminary (UTS)? They held a ceremony where they placed plants in the center of the chapel and confessed their sins to them. Check out UTS... wow! Anyway, the climate change folks must officially be a church/religion, so, keep it out of the gubmint screwels.
Levite you fundamentally lack a complete understanding of what science is to say any of that. Seriously , science is a process, not a political or theological position, science is neutral on politics and theology ironically enough. Dishonest Christians on the other hand, in order to rationalize their worldview, make up definitions, like you did with both science and atheism. Seems to me Christians are plenty fine with lies and lying as long as it furthers their narrative
A worthless punk Republican legislator will see more than $3000 a month in pension payments for "working" less than 30 years. With more off time than teachers see in a year! But you don't mind being bent over by Hefley and the rest of the lazy conservative queens of political welfare. Do you? Stay stupid pony boy. But, don't expect the rest of us to enjoy being raped by deviant republicans. Besides, how much can a double wide on a postage stamp lot be costing you in taxes? I also find it ironic, or uneducated of you to use "levite" in your handle! The Levites, a culture that embraced education and peace! Goes to show just how ignorant and basal you are in your thinking. Leave now and save yourself further embarrassment.
Here we go again with “deviant Republican” insults. CT, you make a fool of yourself with this garbage. Maybe you should embrace education. Then you would not be afraid of Republicans. Republicans will carry you, CT, since you are weak and pathetic. Keep it up for all to see.
As country girl said, thanks to the quality teachers I’ve had especially In elementary school and middle school, and my supportive parents, I’ve enjoyed lifelong love of learning and wonder, I wouldn’t have otherwise. That plus quality tv like bill nye the science guy. Compared to today’s tv 🤦‍♂️
Sadly, the important decisions to educate within the government school system are no longer made locally. School Boards are merely a token. Local control is gone, heck not even the parent has a choice in this government school system anymore.
Yes mike/Levite. All decisions are made by the UN. On Friday my son came home from school and showed me a test that was graded by Kofi Annan. I went to back to school night and Guterres is the principal!

Mike, the far right preys upon those so simple minded they believe any crazy conspiracy theory that comes down the pike. Don’t be a mark.
You operate like Shifty Schiff. When the words of those in opposition reflect truth, you simply paraphrase or, in this case, put words in my mouth. Stop it Joe, the parody shtick breaks down the debate, and reveals your weakness.
Have a good day "Joe".
Mike “Levite” Meyers,

Every time the subject of public schooling comes up you start in with how the UN took over our schools through the evil common core standards. I have posted these standards on several occasions asking you to point out the socialistic and evil ones and you wouldn’t do it. I believe you like a partisan conspiracy theory more than embracing facts.
Great Joe. Kofi Atta Annan is dead. Does this make you a liar? Now, if I were to hold you to the same standards that you hold President Trump, you need an investigation.
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