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No, no, not an eclipse, not an ellipse, an ellipsis …

Published October 09. 2019 12:18PM

Mention the word “punctuation,” and words such as “period,” “comma,” “question mark” and “exclamation point” might come to mind.

But thanks to the impeachment inquiry, now the term “ellipsis” has appeared. I did an unscientific survey of family members and friends, ranging in age from 16 to 79.

Of the 25 I surveyed, 18 had heard of the word. Of these, 12 knew what it is and had used it, mostly in writing papers for college classes. The other seven said they had never encountered the word until my inquiry.

When I asked the question of those who had never heard of “ellipsis” and asked them to take a stab at its meaning, some thought it had something to do with “eclipse,” and one even thought it had something to do with the shape “ellipse.”

An “ellipsis” is three dots that show up most often in a sentence to indicate that words, even sentences and paragraphs, inconsequential to the meaning of the sentence, have been omitted.

In scouring the rough draft of the telephone call between President Trump and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, some congressional committee members and journalists picked up on the use of ellipses (the plural of “ellipsis”) several times throughout the document.

Naturally, since there is an abundance of mistrust on both sides, there is a curiosity about what has been left out of the rough draft. An administration spokesman said nothing of importance was omitted; investigators are saying, “OK, if that’s the case, let’s see the official transcript of the call.” Whether the administration decides to release the official details of the call seems unlikely as of this writing.

The key to understand the function of an ellipsis involves the unofficial agreement between writer and reader that whatever the dot-dot-dot represents does not materially change the meaning or the impact of the message.

Here is where we get into that eye of the beholder issue. What the writer might consider of marginal value, the reader might view these omitted words otherwise.

There are also other uses of an ellipsis. One is much more commonly used in informal writing. It serves as a suspension point which is the equivalent of a speaker’s voice trailing off.

An example might be: “So, from my explanation, you now probably understand what I am trying to say. …” (By the way, a period is used before the ellipses when whatever is omitted includes the end of a sentence or as in my example the trail-off dots come at the end of a sentence.

The advent of social media has created an explosion in the use of ellipses, especially since it has become very popular in texting. “Many people use ellipses to signal confusion, disapproval, hesitation, to show more is to come and the expectation of a response when writing in a chat-based application,” according to the online site Literary Devices.

Here are some examples cited:

So … what happened?

Um … I’m not sure that’s true.

… sure.

You went to the restaurant. And … ?

But I thought we were meeting on Tuesday … ?

As for the rough translation of the phone call between the president and Zelensky, Trump said it was “an exact word-for-word transcript of the conversation, taken by very talented stenographers.”

This is unlikely if ellipses are used. White House officials previously had portrayed the document as not a verbatim transcription but rather a summary that closely tracked the president’s words.

Here are the three instances where ellipses are used in the rough translation. In each, Trump is the speaker:

“I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say CrowdStrike … I guess you have one of your wealthy people. … The server, they say Ukraine has it.”

“Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it. … It sounds horrible to me.”

By Bruce Frassinelli |

Trump pulled the troops from Northern Syria at the request of Turkey so they could invade............trump seems surprised today that turkey attacked........everyone everywhere said this would happen............trump got played again........
Do you have sons in the infantry? You going in to fight or do you just slump behind that keyboard and portray to have endless knowledge? Get a ticket and fly on over and join in with the Kurdish Forces. We had two sons fighting over there and the third just never got sent. You go fight if your so inclined.
Trump's allowing for self-determination of the people over there for a change. Isn't it about time we have a president who considers non-military alternatives to conflict. Let's face it Joe, if he deployed our men, and went in and kicked butt, you'd call him a war monger. There's no winning with you Never Trumpers.
I say to you... Arm up and go in.
Oh please. As trump escalates elsewhere I’m supposed to believe this is out of concern for our troops. if you think you sons should be deployed and redeployed by tweet without input of the pentagon than clearly I value our troops more than you.

But seriously, I wouldn’t want to be in the position of my family members lives in the hands of trump. I will pray for them even though you call me names and spew hate at me.
Oh boy. FoxNews, trump’s own lapdog station, just did a poll showing 51% want trump impeached and removed from office. If you think this impeachment is a “nothing burger” you are in the minority. Good luck
Hurry up, rush, rush the time is right, got to get this done now.
Call commander Pelosi, let's roll.
Cute Joe. You crack me up. I have no problem being in the minority.
My desire is to be RIGHT! And in this, I am! Bwah ha ha ha
Quick call Nancy, tell her you're with her!
Nope, let’s get this done right. Congressional oversight is constitutional and is intended to be political. Tump doesn’t like that but too bad. He will need to comply or he will be obstructing justice. It’s not up to him to decide if Congress is acting badly, that’s the voters job.
So now you're a lawyer?
You crack me up. We've never gone about this in the way you suggest Joe. Come on.
If we go without by a 2/3 supermajority vote (67 votes), we'll set a precedent like's never been before. You want that over this nothingburger?
Please tell me what the listing charges or “Articles of Impeachment” against Trump are? No American President has ever been forced from office due to impeachment. Stop it Joe, you're embarrassing yourself again. What an idiot.
It’s a process mike, Congress is developing articles of impeachment. But it’s really just turning 19 gop senators. I don’t think that will be hard given the direction of public sentiment and the seriousness of trump’s crimes.
Seriousness? The fact that we must wait for the articles to be developed ought indicate the weakness of this all. What's the crime? too funny
Joe is Attorney General, Judge, Lead Council, Lawyer, President, Senator, Foreign Ambassador to every country, Professor, Teacher, Sunday School Teacher, Pope, Minister, Army General, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Climate expert, Economist, Business expert, CPA, tax expert, Budget Director, Cabinet member (all positions), Weapons Expert, Medical Caseworker, Medical Doctor Advisor, Petroleum Engineer, Civil Engineer, Medical Administrator...and everything else...all wrapped up in a libertarian genius package. Keep it up Joe.
Impeachment is “a nothing burger.” I encourage impeachment as far as a vote in the HR. It is time for the accusers to step forward. Pelosi is just playing theatre. She is delaying the vote because the vote does not have support. America knows this is just treachery. What is your lapdog station Joe? Is it CNN that served up fake collusion for over 2 years? Where is that now? Great Trump Rally tonight in MAGAsota! The mayor tried to charge Trump $500+k for security. Trump won, others never were charged. Next, the mayor took almost all of the Porta Pottys away and turned the heat up to make things uncomfortable. 20k inside & 25k outside. America is great. Thank you MAGAsota!
Trump makes decisions but doesn't read Daily Intelligence Briefings, gets an elementary summary he can understand..... didn't inform the Pentagon or Military ahead of the following decision......."Turkey strikes at U.S. Allies in Syria after Trump call to Erdogan" .....He is able to communicate clearly with Dictators .....Hope his 2 Towers in Turkey don't get harmed.
CG, this stuff is all fake news. Please raise your standards for filtering spam in your head. I am not sure why you think you are smarter than President Trump. Trump never has intellectual remorse and has to withdraw information like you do when you always delete your posts. Set your hatred aside and wise up.
Attention: The so called allies, aren't really our friends... well not Americans of conservative values. These Kurds a allied with Antifa, they trained Antifa.
Antifa (YPG International) is global and they fight alongside the Kurds. Combined I think they are called the International Revolutionary People’s Guerilla Forces [IRPGF].
Bottom line, they're a vanguard “of the revolution” in Rojava who vow to fight capitalism all over the world. Sound familiar? Portland?
This mess was started by Barack Obama, and is not good. Now if people like "Joe" wishes to join the fight, they simply fly to Turkey and then illegally cross into the Syrian border. BTW, the Kurdish militias aren't much better than ISIS.
Did you realize most Kurds are Sunni Muslims and some join with ISIS. Hey Country-Girl...
In Iraqi Kurdistan the percentage of female genital mutilation is around 70%
These are fine people... No? Remember folks, with people like the Kenyan (B Obama), the enemy of my enemy is my friend. All based on hate folks.
Now get this, the “Antifa resistance” as well as terrorism of these folks is building here in America, in the same way that ISIS was bred through US deep state foreign policy.
Look stuff up and decide for yourself, but for God's sake, don't depend on CNN and NBC, or even Rupert Murdoch and sons at Fox. Murdoch's could give a rat about America, remember that folks. Joe, Country-Girl, and the rest of you Capitalist America hating never Trumpers do have a place to go and fight, or, you can stay here and stir the pot some more.
And Saudi Arabia bankrolled Al Qauda and has tons of female genital mutilation...yet I bet you support them. Whether they should be supported or not supported we cannot make military decisions by tweet without consulting or alerting the pentagon of joint chiefs. We also should not be a conspirator in genocide even if we brand the target as dirty liberals.

Mike, What will you miss most about trump when he is removed from office?
We aren't fighting in Saudi Arabia idiot. No comparison you idiot. As for communication... he can't trust the media to communicate for him, heck if he tries to have a correspondent give briefings, they maul the correspondent. As for the chiefs, they're war mongers like Democrats, always getting us in to wars. You just can't seem to think for yourself Joe. You crack me up, even though you're an idiot.
Oh Mike, does this mean I’m no longer invited to your men’s breakfast?

Why did trump appoint joint chiefs he can’t trust??

All I know is that the Kurds fought ISIS and their contributions allowed the US to not have to send ground troops into Northern Syria. The small presence of advisors and intelligence that we imbedded kept turkey or Russia from attacking. What do we do to thank them? Serve them up. Who will be our ally in the future?
"Who will be our ally in the future"
Good question from one who sees nothing wrong with declassifying conversations between the POTUS and other world leaders. What world leader wants to have confidential conversation with the public, as was the case in this Ukraine witch hunt. Who will ally with us? The ally with these nomads could be good, but the Kenyan Kid used good for bad.
Hey Joe, that was quite a rally last night... right?
One more thing Joe...
The whistle blower worked for good ole uncle Joe Biden. A fat nothingburger... AGAIN!
Come on Joe. Your projections about others feelings about Saudi Arabia are foolish. Then you go on, without any military experience at all, to talk of President Trump making military tactical choices by tweets. Where does this ignorant stuff come from? I wish I were still in the Pentagon. I would hang your post up for everyone to laugh at. Keep it up. I enjoy the laugh. Are you really serious about this stuff?
There's much available on the web. I'll get back to you. People think Antifa is a grassroots uprising of a bunch of stoner anarchist teens from Portland. Who'd have thought?
Look into the research of former FBI counter-terrorism agent John Guandolo.
I get much of my leads from WND. They did a special report. “Antifa: What Americans Need To Know About The Alt Left.”
Look up Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG)
Here you go...

Joe's on his way to Turkey. From Turkey, he can slip down into northern Syria and sign up to fight with them. I put a link to YPG website in another post. He's all in with Antifa, so if he survives the fight against Erdogan's men, he can come back to my country and stir that pot with the rest of Antifa. He'll wear a mask, and hide, just like a person does who posts under a first name only.

Good Day Sir

Mike Meyers
Proud American from Walnutport PA
It seems to be true for everything you post from the internet. Why the double standard? Is it because you refuse all information that you don’t want to hear? Come on Joe. Go to Turkey. I didn’t like you will love it.
Lets backup Mike on this whole Mid East fiasco. Unfortunately Bush believed the Cherry Picking of information given to him by Cheney and others (Lies) to start this war over there. Do the faces of the Arabs ring a bell. Interesting how the Bush Administration let the Saudi college students and their families get out of Dodge during the immediate days of 911.
And who didn’t get out of dodge? The two trump/Giuliani associates who funneled $350,000 into trump’s campaign from a Russian donor. Arrested at the airport a day before testifying to congress.

So again mike , will you cry when trump is removed from office?
My faith is in God alone, and he's going nowhere. If it's God's will that this nation comes apart at the seems, so be it. How about you, will you cry when this flies apart, if that's His will? Come on Joe, we know better.
I’m not the kind of guy that thinks God is controlling the elections or football scores on Sunday. Th gospels and Salvation only make sense in the context of free will. God is there but we are not puppets.
CG, the Mideast is more complicated than your mistaken summary here. Now, this is one of your posts that you should voluntarily remove. I would have remorse if I posted it. If you have a hissy fit and remove it, or, if you become embarrassed from an intellectual reckoning, it would be all the better for you. Quite frankly, this post makes some of your man hating white privilege garbage look good.
Mike, I know all about female genital mutilation and all about how during even the days of Christ women over there were stoned to death on the lies of men. Yes even women that were raped were stoned to death for being raped and it continues to this day.
Mr. Military Man -Rambo- I guess the lies that started the War over there should not be considered. Oh that's right it was their Oil, or was it just the GOP War Hawks. I am free to delete my posts if the conversation ended so stop with your controlling attitude. Its seen clearly in your posts. People on this site can judge for themselves on the various topics. I do wish more people would participate as the current go around gets tiring.
I found this in the archives...

You could always read Jay Carney, when things aren't going in the right direction during his correspondence. Please watch and enjoy. I remember watching this. To use a Biden phrase... "This is a big F _ _ king Deal"

Or check this out...

Ole Horse Face sets up his prince too! Embarrassing.

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