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Franklin resident speaks out against police department

Published October 15. 2019 12:32PM

A Franklin Township man has expressed his frustration to township officials over an incident in which he said he was wrongfully charged and jailed.

Bart Cannariato, who lives on Hemlock Trail, told supervisors recently that people are gathering at a vacation rental near his home and playing loud music.

“Is there an occupancy total for a home?” Cannariato asked. “I’ve been dealing with this for four years.”

Cannariato said he was charged by township police on Sept. 2 after he called police over a situation “and it was turned around on me.”

He said he’s called police on the people four times, and on this particular day discharged his weapon on his property.

“I was arrested at gunpoint and taken into my home,” Cannariato said. “I was incarcerated for it.”

Cannariato said the home is still being rented, adding, “I’m a prisoner in my own home.”

Ellen Dietrich, who has lived on Hemlock Trail for 45 years, said she’s never complained to the township.

“This is not fair; that is a hotel,” Dietrich said. “We shouldn’t have to put up with this.”

Cannariato said the property at the center of the controversy has a pool that he referred to as a “party area.”

“Unfortunately, I can’t call the police department because they’re not doing their job,” he said. “It’s scary for my family.”

Supervisor Robin Cressley suggested that the board connect with the township’s code officer, Paul Jarrett, to see if anything can be done.

Cannariato said he’s been told he’s going to get cited for calling the Carbon County 911 Communications Center on multiple occasions.

“I was taken out by gunpoint, arrested,” he said. “The people called police and said I was firing at them.”

Cannariato asked why the rental property can’t be shut down.

“It’s very unfortunate,” he said. “It’s just total unprofessionalism on every level.”

Cannariato said the situation is “progressively getting worse and worse.”

“My wife and I are at the point we’re ready to sell our home,” he said. “My property value’s going to go down.”

According to court records, At 7:14 p.m. Sept. 2, police were called to Hemlock Trail for a report of shots being fired at a residence from the adjacent property where Cannariato lives.

Police requested assistance from Lehighton and Mahoning police departments, and the Pennsylvania State Police.

The complainants told officer Christopher Lekka that he and three other people were standing out back of the residence near the pool area and saw a man wearing a black tank top and cargo shorts, pointing a black handgun at them.

The man, identified as Cannariato, fired about six shots in the direction of where they were standing, with an estimated distance of about 10 yards.

Police approached Cannariato’s residence. Lekka had Carbon 911 call Cannariato to ask him to step outside of his residence with his hands above his head.

Cannariato told police, “I shot my gun earlier but, it was at the ground.”

Lekka told Cannariato that they would discuss the incident further at the police station, to which he replied, “I have a heart condition and I need an ambulance here now.”

Cannariato smelled of an alcoholic beverage and his speech was slurred, Lekka said.

Cannariato was transported to St. Luke’s Gnaden Huetten Campus, where he was evaluated by medical staff and released and transported back to the Franklin police station.

A black Glock .40 handgun was recovered from the scene by members of the Pennsylvania State Police.

The handgun smelled as if it had been recently fired.

Cannariato faced four counts of recklessly endangering another person.

He had a preliminary hearing earlier this month before District Judge William Kissner of Palmerton, at which time three of the counts were dismissed. The other count was bound over to trial.

Cannariato was simply following Joe Biden's advice...
"I said, 'Jill, if there's ever a problem, just walk out on the balcony here, walk out and put that double-barrel shotgun and fire two blasts outside the house,'" Biden said.
What's the big deal? (sarc off)
Hilarious good one Mike. Now then Mr. Cannariato if you wanted to own a fire arm you should have taken the NRA course "Basic Pistol Marksmanship." A Police Officer taught the course when I took it. Its actually for anyone, that includes men.
Many people can relate to your living situation. I sincerely hope that the
cooler heads prevail on tackling this.
Typical gun toting MAGAtard. Shooting is the solution to every problem and law doesn't apply to him.
Keep America Stupid
Donate to the trump campaign:
10 yards away....10 yards?!?!? (that's 30') and drinking!! Are you kidding me. If you were at the gun range and there was a guy two benches away you'd give him a quick "Yo going hot now" and he'd likely do the same. Bart's reaction is totally over the top.

I think, maybe, just maybe Bart might be a a$$hole.
This really appears to be a situation where the partying instigators are taking advantage of the system by playing the victims. The opportunity to use a gun noise is too easy an excuse to get back on their party pooper. I wonder where they learned that technique?

Police called on a rental house party multiple times, party continues. Unruly party clan calls the police for loud noise that sounded like a gun, three departments report to raid the home of the previous complainer.

At this Bart guy's expense, the dispatchers just taught, and the community just learned, the "2nd Amendment Savior" for getting the police to raid a home. How Bart didn't know this is strange, but I trust these loud neighbors sure educated him quick.
Next time, "Sounds like gun fire coming from that loud party of renters?" Viola! Every police gun the county arrives to take down the evil gun owners throwing a party. What no gun? Really? So surprised, oh well, time to get my old man hearing calibrated, maybe the Gran Torino backfired.

Did these party people witness the homeowner safety shooting paper in the back yard and decide to cry wolf? How did this turn into a three police department raid on a guy asking for police help with unruly neighbors?

The raid is a bit out there, guns drawn on a homeowner, wife, kids? What ever happens to, hey taxpayer, homeowner, family man, gainfully employed, Bart, thirty year resident, old man and block shoot attender, can you come to the station we want to talk to you about the complaint you filed on your neighbor? Or, we heard a complaint about you from the people you have been complaining about and we'd like to have a conversation.
Sure, that is not as exciting as a raid and a chance to escalate a situation, but why put our brave men in blue at any potential risk without a phone call first? Just saying, old man complains to police, complainees complains to police, police departments coordinate a raid on an old man with the partiers end up laughing as they played the system like a champ. Check the history on the party crowd, see when they learned this retaliation trick.

When equal justice under the law fails to provide for a peaceful resolution, it is the civil society that suffers most, and begins to crumble.


Citizen David F. Bradley, Sr.
Original Rambo why aren't you out practicing with your AR-15 in case the Boogie Man invades Carbon Co. Don't forget the new MAGA for 2020.
Make Attorneys Get Attorneys!
THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR HANDLING A WEAPON IF YOU'RE IMPAIRED. I was going to say drinking but Wolfe is gonna make it that pot will get in the mix legally too so.

Maybe Bart is a good guy. It's certainly great he supports his local club by going to the block shoots. But drinking and behaving like this-Unacceptable.

Again 30 feet is close. Too close to be irresponsible.

I'll tell you what I tell my kids. Be careful. You have NO IDEA what goes on behind closed doors. A little alcohol maybe some drugs and some of that behind closed doors stuff gets aired in public. Be careful.
Oh really Mr. Abrupt, Weed getting passed by the "R" run PA legislature. Good try. Most of the people in PA think it should be available, along with the current Medical Marijuana. And regarding kids out there, don't forget birds of a feather usually fly together. Edit: Hanging with the wrong crowd and internet shenanigans could affect your life for a long time.
You don't think recreational Marijuana will get passed? I was under the impression that's the way PA was going. I haven't heard or read anywhere that the R's are totally rallying against it. Doesn't mean that info isn't out there I just haven't come across it yet. Doesn't really matter to me it's not an issue for me. I'm just saying if you have that or anything else in your system that impairs your judgement you should be more careful maybe with your emotions. But then I get it if you're impaired maybe you won't be able to foresee the eff'd up situation you're about to make for yourself. I think we agree, it's important to stay squared up.

We got off topic a little.

I think when you're a kid you're going to make some mistakes. You know NOT felonies. When your 53 and doing that-NO.
Mr. Cannariato, if you happen to encounter these folks and your gun shoots one you can always say it accidentally went off during a struggle. If it works for the police it can work for you too! ;)

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