The power of property condemnation
Letter to the Editor:
One of our founding principles is that the actions of our government into an individual’s life must be as minimal as possible. When we talk about eminent domain, the seizing of a person’s property, the standard for such an intrusion must bear a very high burden.
Imagine you are a small-business owner or individual who lives in a house along a highway and a representative from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation knocks on your door and informs you they are taking your land by eminent domain. What would you do? Do you just hand over the keys? Do you fight “city hall” or if you are a “average Joe” can you afford the legal representation or just accept the minuscule offer to vacate?
Currently, almost all the laws, regulations and power regarding eminent domain benefits government at every level, and in reality, it always has with the simple understanding that it be for the “public good.”
Vague interpretations are a government specialty, and the term “public good,” is ripe for abuse. Does the government still take the entire property when a viable alternative is available?
It is the duty of every citizen to stand in the defense of a fellow citizen. The good citizens of Mahoning Township are losing the tax income from two extremely valuable properties: the property between Lehighton Kia and Lowe’s and our property to the right of Aldi’s.
The amount of traffic on 443 from the Thomas J. McCall Memorial Bridge to Walmart is the reason the PennDOT widening project makes sense, but putting a retention pond on valuable frontage is poorly thought out engineering.
This is the frontage that will be condemned for the two water retention ponds instead of being placed behind these properties. Forget the West Nile virus carrying mosquitoes and algae this standing water will attract, but how often will the trash from the highway blowing into these ponds be removed by PennDOT?
When we protect the inherent rights of an individual, we protect our own. To hold our government accountable, and keep its “just powers” in check, is the responsibility of all of us.
Joe Bennett
Did you ever build anything? You post much, but your experience in such matters doesn't come close to that of Donald J Trump. I'll keep my thoughts on eminent domain to myself this day. Above is the actual interview folks, "Joe" just typed out a paraphrase. When the actual words don't make your argument, paraphrase, sort of like Shifty Schiff did. Scoundrels!
What is scarier is that trump says he will use the "military version" of eminent domain to build his wall. That version doesn't require him to compensate the land owner or get court permission.
I am not a billionaire, but thats mainly because I didn't have a dad to give me it. I would venture to guess I have had much larger growth of my wealth as a percentage than donald during my career.
Keep it up.
Did you see that rally last night?
The man has a way with people, doesn't he?
"This is not a ceasefire" Turkish Foreign minister 2 minutes later.
Keep believing the lies.
What office do you hold? What have you built? Have a rally lately?
I don't defend "The Donald", but I'll vote for him in 2020. Who's your choice?
(this ought to be good)
If I have to support a democrat, right now I lean Buttigieg, Ryan or Steyer, the latter two having little chance. I am hopeful of a libertarian/independent run by Amash but only if it’s clear he could win or take away enough votes to hurt trump. I would support a run by Romney or Kasich but the GOP leadership will try to squash it like Bernie.
"Joe" is holding a rally tonight, did you hear about it? Yeah... neither did I.
You crack us up!
His own press secretary admitted it was a lie, why do you defend it?