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Another shooting

Published October 26. 2019 06:36AM


Another shooting and nothing done.

Talk is cheap.

Politicians wait until the anger dies down and do nothing.

Weapons of war MUST be take off the streets.

This president has a yellow streak down his back. He talks about background checks and his feelings.

Then the NRA comes along and nothing happens,

Things have to change. Republicans are getting a bad reputation. We have a snake in the White House and a worm running the Senate.

What’s more important, people’s lives or that damn gun?

Our future and the future of this country is being murdered.

When will these idiots wake up?

I Remain,

Robert (Ski) Siesputowski

Summit Hill

Here we go again: " the AR 15 that slaughters people"

WRONG....................."people slaughter people"

You people act as if all that has to be done is use a Municipal Street cleaning machine to run up and down the streets and "get the guns off the streets"

Guns are necessary!

You forgot about: RUBY RIDGE.................& ...........The Waco siege

The Government and Taxes have the power to destroy Politicians.

Oh, I guess your way of thinking is: "Hi, I'm here from the Government and I want to Help you"

First off, Ski is a respected Navy Vet in this area. Second, the precious sex toy, the ar15, averages 58 rounds per minute. It's only purpose is to be used to kill a lot of people quickly. The average citizen has no legitimate use for this weapon. It's used to kill or satisfy some deviant fetish. The framers assumed intelligence and practicality of the citizens would dictate common sense, and they certainly didn't foresee a weapon such as the ar15.
Yes, people kill people, but the ar15 sure makes it easier. Again, there is no legitimate use for an ar15, next the gun freaks will claim the 2nd amendment covers RPGs.

Our founders were supporters of unrestricted private firearms.
The idea that no one anticipated rapid fire weapons at the time of the drafting of the Constitution is beyond silly. In fact, if we ignore the Second Amendment and adopt the left’s idea of what constitutes a militia (hint to the left, Title X, US Code defines the militia of the United States as males aged 17-45), then clearly the Founders intended for private citizens to own the most advanced weaponry that was available.
Unreasonable & Willful misinterpretation. No legitimate need for this weapon, bottom line.
What's silly is your use of the buzz word "left". It's completely pointless and brings no reason to your rationalizing. But, you stick with the unreasonable thing. It brings a sort of absurd credibility to your incredulousness, a bit like committing oneself to an asylum. It suits you. It's just unfortunate that people like you roam free, killing common sense.
Nope, you are trying to suggest infallibility of our founding fathers. I’m pointing out that they were fallible. The irrelevant point is trying to guess what a bunch of 18th century white guys intended.
The problem with you Joe, you are educated.
You have been educated in mush.
Why do you always post of a persons skin tone.
Are you the racist you portray yourself to be, or are you parroting the trash you been educated in?
Hey Comrade... explain that term, "average citizen"
What is the "average citizen"
No way would an Army Vet, as you claim you are, would refer to that fine weapon, as a _ _ _ toy.
You are a liar and a coward.
Oh... prove to me that the original intent wouldn't cover RPG's. Come on Sergeant.
Ski: I was Nam Navy Chief, so don't tell me!

By your way of thinking....................all criminals convicted of arson should be set free because those evil Matches should of been illegal.

Also, all Cool-Aid should not be allowed...................remember Jim Jones?

I have used fire arms all my life and never shot to kill any civilian.////////

PS SKI: Respect must be earned remember your Mil,Req for PO3&2 and PO 1&C
You're a fool and an ESL trumptard word twister. You're disrespecting a man who faught for your right to be stupid. And, Real Vietnam vets don't call it "Nam", you vile poser.
So you wish that the government own it all? You and the Comrade of confusion are damn socialists. A socialist is the same thing as a communist. The republic is in danger because of folks like you. As for taking weapons? That's what Hitler did. Open your eyes, turn off CNN and think for yourself.

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